My little one has a fever. Last night his daddy called me and asked where the infant Tylenol was and my heart sank. I disposed of the recalled Tylenol and Motrin and hadn't replaced it yet. (Read my story on getting my refund here: Infant Tylenol Refund)
I rushed home and stopped at the drugstore to get some. Imagine my horror when I found the shelves bare with a sign stating there are shortages due to the company having problems with their products and quality control. I normally don't buy store brand children medications as I have a quality control concerns for generic children's meds. I buy them for myself, but hesitate for my child. I know they are supposed to be just as good and with the latest scare with name brand Tylenol I am now more open to trying store brands. So, to my relief they had plenty of the store brand.
Not sure what’s going on in his little body, but hopefully we can nip this fast. He has a great immune system that has protected him in the past. Evidence shows that to be true as I can count on one hand the times he has been sick.
His daddy is starting to feel bad now. Wonderful.
I know myself that I flat do not have time to be sick. It’s just not an option. So I’m pumping in our Shaklee vitamins and fluids and praying for the best.
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