You know how it is when you cough so hard you feel like a lung is coming up and your head is going to explode? That is me. I can barely talk, my throat is swollen, my chest hurts and breathing is hard.
I tried to get a hold of my doc, but he is out till the middle of July! And he has no backup. I like my doctor, but hate the fact he has no backup doctor for when his patients are sick.
I called my husband's doctor and asked if they would see me and they refused. Nice of them, huh?
My husband and I had our own respective doctors before we met and since both are in our insurance's network, we decided to keep them. Not a problem till now.
I was informed I would have to go to an Urgent Care or ER. Not something I want to do.
Around here Urgent Care doctors are called, "Quack in a box". They are not known for their great care. Not sure why, if it's just the ones around here or if it's a problem everywhere. ER visits costs $150 co-pay. Too pricey for us.
Either way, I won't take my toddler to an Urgent Care or ER with me as it can be a very long wait and it's not the most sterile environment if you know what I mean. I don't want him picking up an even nastier bug there. So I will have to wait till my husband can come home and take myself.
My son has his first dentist appointment today as well and I don't want to miss that. I'm sure they are just going to love having me there. The pediatric dentist is right next door to my son's pediatrician. Oh how I wish he could see me and help me out. Gone are the days of the family doc who did everything and saw every member of the family I guess. Oh well.
My house is a wreck, my son is watching way too much TV and I get overheated just typing this. Not my definition of a good mom. Hopefully I can get some relief from somewhere soon.
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