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Monday, April 26, 2010

Staying Dry Can Be Such A Thrill - (side note to Adventures in Potty Training)

I never knew how hard potty training could be till we started. Phew ! It's exhausting and a huge time consumer, but it can be exciting, too.

I try to look at it with some humor though. Actually, I use the humor more as a defense mechanism to keep from losing my mind!

I have been chronicling our
Adventures in Potty Training, but I have to get this achievement out to those of you who have been there and are currently doing it! I know you guys would appreciate it.

Went to the bank and post office today and low and behold, my son made it through the entire outing without wetting his pants. And he waited till we got home and told me he had to use the potty! I about fainted. When I came to I hugged him and told him I was so proud of him. Though we were only gone less than 30 minutes, it was still the first time ever staying dry on an outing.

Weird how we parents get so excited over pee and poop, isn’t it? Anyone else who has never been through it would think we had lost our ever lovin’ minds! Of course I guess I do look kind of nuts jumping up and down and clapping over a little person peeing into a bowl on a make believe toilet.

Funny how us moms (& dads) live for these little moments and how we will miss these times when they grow up.

I told that very same comment to my husband after he stepped on a wet spot with his socks on the carpet after I had to scrub it clean. He wasn’t as near as amused as I was. I wonder why?

It has totally made my day.

OK, after re-reading this I have determined I may need to get out more.

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