I have heard potty training requires a lot of patience, but I was unprepared for how much patience is really needed. An unbelievable amount of patience is required for this. You need patience, patience and more patience. Did I mention you need patience?
I had read articles and ideas from other parents from all over the Internet and all I really discovered was there are just as many different ways to train your little poop machine as there are people. It’s amazing how many different approaches there are.
So I decided to take the no-nonsense, don't wait forever to start approach. Though my son is only 2 I feel many parents wait way too long to start. I don’t want to wait till when we “have” to as he’s starting pre-school. That kind of pressure may be too much for him and me. He has been showing the signs of interest and though he isn’t good at all of them I feel he is ready.
The question is, am I? Well, I thought so until…..
See the next article coming soon - Adventures In Potty Training Part 2
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