If you are NOT like the person mentioned above and you want to come hang out with someone who isn’t a Supermom either, then you’ve come to the right place.
Monday, August 31, 2009
What I Miss Now That My Baby Is A Toddler – Series #1
There are some things you find that you miss when your little one is no longer a baby. When they are little and learning new things like learning to roll over, sit up on their own, crawling and eventually walking, you encourage them to learn more and more and it’s exciting. You want them to progress in ways that makes them more mobile and independent. But in doing so you are losing things you never thought you would miss.
One thing I really miss is being able to go to the bathroom by myself. Now there is an activity I never thought I would have to share with anyone. As soon as my son was crawling he would immediately follow me into the bathroom. Now that he is walking I can no longer be by myself in there. The same goes for taking a shower. I can’t remember the last time I was able to take a shower in peace. Seeing the door slam open and a little face pressed against the outside of the shower door glass tends to make you sigh and long for a, “Calgon, take me away” moment.
Closing the door is of no help. To a toddler that is just an invitation to show off their skill of being able to turn the doorknob. If I have someone home with me who can watch him while I go into the bathroom and I am allowed the rare opportunity of being able to not only shut the door, but to lock it, I feel like it’s my birthday or some other special occasion. I love my son, but boy is it nice to be able to be by yourself, even if only for a moment. My solitude usually lasts no more than 10 seconds which is about the time my son realizes I have entered the bathroom without him. It doesn’t matter what part of the house he is in. He has a built in radar that goes off as soon as the flick of the bathroom light switch goes on. If I have forgotten to lock the door, then he opens the door with such a force that the slamming door makes the walls vibrate. Hollering at him to close the door only seems to bring more people to the scene to help. This is of course the last thing I want as I am trying to stop midstream so I can hurriedly get up and shuffle across the floor with my pants around my ankles to slam the door shut before another person comes down the hall to get him. I have been able at times to get him to close the door himself with him in the bathroom with me of course. He then proceeds to try and climb on my lap, beg for me to read him a book or does some other activity to get my attention. Lately though, he has been slamming the door open and then running out, laughing and screaming down the hall as he goes. This of course once again draws more attention from others causing me to yet once again do the pants around your ankles shuffle.
When I do get the rare chance to go in and use the bathroom or take a shower and be able to lock the door, the background noise from all the hollering tends to dampen the mood. It’s bad enough that the toddler is hollering and whimpering, but hearing his dad hollering at him to leave mommy alone and then two minutes later hearing him ask, “Honey, are you OK? Are you coming out soon?” makes me wish for a bathroom with an escape window. They haven’t made a bathroom vent fan loud enough to drown out a screaming toddler hell bent on getting in and a dad wishing he could.
Sometimes I just like to sit in there and meditate. The bathroom really is a great place to meditate, though the seating could use a little more comfort built in. Sometimes I think of nothing and just let my thoughts drain out my ears. Sometimes I look around the bathroom and notice the areas I missed while cleaning it the last time which really irks me, but not enough to always get up and clean it. Sometimes I look at the areas that need to be fixed, like the tub needing re-caulking and tile grout getting bad which I make a mental note to add it to the list that never gets done. Sometimes I picture how I would like to redo the bathroom, what color I would like to paint it, what pictures I would like to hang. I then start to think to myself that I bet other mothers never let their bathrooms get this bad and I bet their bathrooms always look like the ones in magazines. I then proceed to sigh deeply which is good because I need to take deep breaths often since my thoughts are usually interrupted with a loud bang of a toy against the door and a scream from a little banshee trying to get in.
I am also trying to slowly teach him to use the potty and without much success I might add. I figure since he’s in there with me all the time anyway he might as well learn why and start using it himself. Talking about pee pee and poo poo has become a constant topic of conversation, more often than I care to admit. I wonder if my mother and I had as many conversations about it as my son and I are now.
Since I drink a lot of water I tend to have to “go” often, so this little ritual my son does with me with the bathroom happens a lot. Enough so that I have been thinking about dehydrating myself on purpose. On second thought, I better not, that may backfire on me.
I do so long for time alone on the throne like my husband gets, but hearing the cries and seeing little fingers sliding under the door causes me to feel a little guilty, like a good mother would never wish for time alone. So does wanting some time alone in the bathroom make me a bad mother? Maybe, but when you “gotta go”, at that moment you really don’t care.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Save Money With Fabric Softener
Get a small container with a lid that will hold at least two cups of liquid.
Now take a measuring cup and pour ½ cup of this Soft Fabric Concentrate into your container.
It will not stain your clothes unlike other fabric softeners. And it’s gentle enough even for those who have sensitive skin. Great for baby’s clothes or people with allergies.
You can use a larger container. Just measure one part of fabric softener to two parts of water.
Soak The Impossible
Try this solution:
Take the hottest water your garment can handle and in a small tub mix in the following:
¼ cup of this laundry detergent Fresh Laundry Concentrate
¼ cup of this all fabric brightener Nature Bright
Scrub stain and let soak
The amount of soaking needed to remove the stain may take an hour or hours or it may take days. If it is set in, it may take days of soaking. Every day swish the solution around, scrub the stain and change the water and detergent mixture after three days.
I have let some items soak for more than a week before. These were stains that got by me unnoticed and were set in by the dryer. I just let it soak for as long as it needed and over time the stain lifted!
Try it, I have never had a stain that didn’t come out using this method.
These detergents are biodegradable, contain no phosphates and are great for those who have allergies and sensitive skin. I wash my baby’s clothes in them! And they are so concentrated, they actually save you money!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Latest Recalls
To view the complete list vistit CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
Target Recalls Circo Booster Seats Due to Fall Hazard
Jump ‘n Jive Doorway Jumpers Recalled by Graco Due to Choking Hazard
Dorel Juvenile Group Expands Recall of Safety 1st Stair Gates Due to Fall Hazard
Little Tikes™ Recalls Children’s Toy Workshop Sets and Trucks Due to Choking Hazard
Walgreens Week of 8/23/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store! Some of the stores they list are Kroger, Meier, Walgreens, CVS, WalMart and more!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
-10.00 SS 8/23
Final Price – FREE
Listerine Agent Cool Blue or Smart Rinse Mouthwash 16.9 oz - Buy 2 – 2/$8
Buy 1 get 1 free (-4.00)SS 8/2
- 3.00/2 in RR Limit 1
Final Price .50 ea
Scotch Transparent Tape 1/2 x 450 in - Buy 3 – 1.49 ea
-1.00/3 RP 7/12
- 2/$1 Buy 3 (WG 8/23) Limit 4
Final Price .17 ea
Reach Prevent Toothbrush 1 ct – 2.99
-.50 SS 8/2
- .99 (WG 8/23) Limit 3
Final Price - .49
Extra Strength Tylenol 24 ct - Buy 2 – Buy 1 get 1 free
- 2.00/1 SS 6/21
Final Price – 1.25 ea
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer. Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time, so not responsible for errors.
CVS Week of 8/23/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store! Some of the stores they list are Kroger, Meier, Walgreens, CVS, WalMart and more!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
Carefree Ultra Protection Pantiliners 16 ct – 3.79
$3.79 ECB w/ purchase of featured Carefree Limit 4
Final Price – FREE
- 4.00 SS 7/26; SS 8/23
-$2 ECB w/ purchase of featured Schick OPC
Final Price - 2.99
-4.00 SS 7/26; SS 8/23
$2 ECB w/ purchase of featured Schick OPC
Final Price- 2.99
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 7.25 oz - Buy 4/$4
-$2 ECB w/ purchase of 4 boxes Kraft Macaroni & Cheese OPC
Final Price - .50 ea
Welch's 100% Grape Juice 64 oz – 2/$6 Buy 1
- .75 SS 8/16
Final Price – 2.25
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer. Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time, so not responsible for errors.
Meier Week of 8/23/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store! Some of the stores they list are Kroger, Meier, Walgreens, CVS, WalMart and more!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter 8-15 oz – 3/$4
-1.25 RP 6/28
Final Price .08
Aunt Millie's Healthy Goodness Bread 24 oz - 1.29(Aunt Millie's Breads also on sale)
-.35 RP 8/16
Final Price .59
Suave Shampoo or Conditioner 15 oz - Buy 2 - .88 ea
- 1.00/2 RP 8/2
Final Price - .38 ea
Kraft Chunk Cheese 6-8 oz - Buy 2 - 3/$5 Buy 2
1.00/2 RP 8/9
Final Price – 1.17 ea
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer. Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time, so not responsible for errors.
Kroger Week of 8/23/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store! Some of the stores they list are Kroger, Meier, Walgreens, CVS, WalMart and more!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
Kroger’s is offering another mega sale weekend.
Purchase 10 participating items, and receive $5 off your order instantly at checkout. All 10 items must be purchased in the same transaction, and there is no limit on the number of rewards per transaction. You can mix and match the items you purchase.
The final prices assume that you've purchased 10 participating items, thereby deducting $5 off your total order, or $0.50 off per item. The best bargains are listed below (check your local ad for the complete listing): MSP=Mega Sale Promotion
Pepsi 2-liters - $1.29
Pillsbury Grands, biscuits, crescents, or rolls - $1.49
Betty Crocker Hamburger or Tuna Helper - $1.34
General Mills cereal - $1.99
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - $1.99
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer. Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time, so not responsible for errors.
Thanks to CincinnatiCents
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My Son's Birth Story & Using Hypnobirthing
Hope all is well with you. Below is my birth story, but it may not necessarily be one you will want to share with the class unless you are using it to make the point of what to do when things don’t go as planned. That and how strong the mind can be when you really want something bad enough.
Sorry about the extreme length, but laboring for 4 days tends to add quite a bit to the story.
My son was born on Thursday - 8.6 lbs – 22 ½ in.
We didn’t get to come home till Sunday.
I worked Friday and had been having surges erratically off and on for the last week or so. The following Sunday night they got more intense and were regular at about 10 minutes apart going down to about 6 minutes apart. We called Eileen, our Doula just to give her a heads up it may be tonight and she might want to get some rest in case we need her later. She said to call her when they reach 3-4 minutes apart. They never did.
The surges really didn’t hurt as they were mostly felt as pressure, but what really did hurt extremely bad was my back. See, I have bad discs in my lower back and that is where the extreme pain set in. I was able to use the hypnobirthing breathing to get through each surge, but it had to be done while standing up. I could not lie down or sit due to the severe pain in my back I assume from muscle spasms.
Monday, same thing. The surges from Sunday spaced out to about 20 minutes apart, then to 10, then to 6 and the same thing for Monday. We called Eileen to keep her updated and alert her to the issue with the back pain and how I was having to labor the entire time on my feet leaning over the kitchen counter. My husband would apply very strong pressure to my lower back with the surges.
Tuesday, more of the same. Surges hovered around 5 minutes apart. I was exhausted due to lack of sleep and all the hours of laboring on my feet. Five or ten minutes sitting or laying down is all I could handle before my back would spasm so bad I was in tears and struggle to get to my feet. Eileen came and brought a labor/birthing tub that you inflate. They filled it with warm water and oh did it feel good to get in it. She also suggested castor oil to help induce labor. I had tried everything else. Let me tell you, castor oil is really nasty to get down and you definitely need a “chaser” of some type. It pretty much tastes how it looks – like motor oil. Well, back to the tub. It felt good for the first 20 minutes or so, then the back spasms hit again, this time with even more intensity. They were so bad I couldn’t help but cry out loud and at times was paralyzed unable to move. With their help I was able to get out of the tub and back into my standing position to ride out the surges.
Eileen said we need to go to the hospital, this isn’t good.
Luckily the hospital is only about 10 minutes away. I was able to get out of the car and walk by myself into emergency (it was close to midnight). I actually felt great at that point other than being a little tired. The funny part was the guy at the front desk getting nervous as I breathed through my surges and smiled and joked at the same time. He hurriedly asked for a wheelchair and stared in disbelief when I said no, I can walk just fine. I then proceeded to walk briskly to the elevator. Remember, surges (labor pains) are not meant to hurt and they really don’t if you know how to handle them. ‘
So again the surges I could handle with breathing no problem, but when the back spasms would hit, it was all I could do to get through them, but I did with very intense concentration and breathing. I really thought it would be over soon and probably wouldn’t get much worse. I was wrong.
Once admitted and in the bed of course it wasn’t long before I was out of bed holding on to the sides trying to ride out the surges with the back spasms. They were getting worse, I was exhausted from laboring on my feet for the past few days and everyone kept saying they couldn’t believe I was still standing. I just did not want to spoil my plans of a beautiful hypnobirth without any meds. I was just determined that as long as the baby’s heartbeat was good and he wasn’t stressed I could I get through this. Well, I will fast forward to the worse part.
After laboring for all day Wednesday and late into the night, I reluctantly made the decision to go with an option to help me with the back spasms. I accepted a dose of Nubain (sp?) This allowed me to lie down for a while and sleep for about an hour. I thought ok, I can still do this, but the spasms returned. After trying to ride them out again on my feet I finally made the decision I didn’t want to make - get an epidural. Now no one ever pressured me into it, or kept offering it. This was a decision I made on my own based on what I felt was best for the baby and for me as I knew labor wasn’t progressing and it was only a matter of time before I would have to have a C-section. A C-section was something I felt was a worse failure than an epidural.
My heart and mind wanted to go totally without meds, but my poor body just couldn’t do it anymore and I knew it. Much to the relief of my husband, my doctor and the nurses I asked to see the Anesthesiologist. I told her I only wanted enough to relieve the spasms in my back. The labor surges were nothing to handle, it was just my back. I asked if I could have a “light” version as I wanted to feel all of the birth. I was told I would be very numb at first, but it would wear off in time. I reluctantly agreed. Though I must admit, it was such a relief to lie down and rest.
I wasn’t prepared for the numbness. I cried when they told me my water broke on its own and my surges were now 2-3 minutes apart. I couldn’t feel anything. I was so depressed as I felt I was watching my dream of a beautiful hypnobirth go down the drain. I cursed my back injury. But the epidural allowed my back spasms to receded and allow the uterus to do its job of pushing down the baby. Part of my pain was the uterus was pushing down, but the back muscles spasms were stopping the baby from descending. He was very high until the epidural.
After a short nap I noticed feeling beginning to return rapidly to my legs and once again I could feel my surges, but not much back pain. I breathed my baby down and amazed the nurses at how fast I did so. They frantically called the doctor and asked me not to push till he got here. I wasn’t concerned, I felt I could once again do this as hypnobirthing mom. I pushed lightly a couple of times and when the doctor got there I had all the feeling back in my legs and abdomen and was ready to really breathe down and I did have to do some pushing as he was big boy with what I think was a big noggin! LOL!
I ignored whatever nurse was counting for me and directed my breathing where it was needed and for the length of time that was needed trying to work in harmony with the surges. At times I noticed it in my face and would immediately stop and redirect it properly. Eileen said she was pleased I was self directing and didn’t even give her the chance to help correct it. She said I caught it and corrected myself before she could say anything.
A few good pushes and his head was out. The doctor removed the cord that wrapped around his neck and the rest just slipped out. I did tear a little requiring stitches, but not much. He was shocked when he started and I said, “Ow! I can feel that needle.” He said, you can feel that?! I’m like, yeah, the epidural wore off before the baby even dropped down. Everyone seemed amazed.
I was thrilled that I got to experience my natural birth after all and felt everything. It just took a longer and harder time than expected to get there. I had many congratulations and words of amazement as I somehow ended up with a roomful of observers, but I was too into my breathing and concentrating to notice all the people till afterwards. Apparently my determination and story had passed around the halls and it seemed every available nurse wanted to witness it!
The baby’s heartbeat the whole time remained strong and he was very alert and very hungry right away! He crawled up to the breast and nursed. (Yes, newborns can crawl! A special trait they have in order to be able to nurse.) I was ecstatic and relieved! Oh, and I got up soon afterwards and walked to the restroom without much problem. I was very weak from the extra long labor, but it wasn’t from the meds luckily.
Later that day my son developed some breathing problems due to possible inhaled fluid and required a stay in the NICU till Sunday, but he’s fine now. None of his problems came from the prolonged birth I was told.
I highly recommend Eileen to anyone especially first time moms. She was a big help to my husband as well. Poor Eileen, she spent a lot of hours with me helping me through the agony and deserves way more than I could pay her. I also recommend my doctor who never pushed me. He knew how badly I wanted a natural birth. But later he told me he was getting ready to do a C-section and I wasn’t far from it when I made my decision because the baby couldn’t drop.
I also would say the hospital has the best staff. For the 5 days we stayed there I never met a nurse I didn’t like. I have no complaints and am very grateful to them all. They took excellent care of me and my son when he needed them. They understood my wish for the birth I wanted, supported me when I needed them and helped through the scary times of his condition afterwards. They are the best. And the anesthesiologist, who gave just enough pain relief to get me past that point and let me have the natural birth after all.
To you Sharon, I say thank you for your classes and encouragement. I am so very grateful for finding them and you.
Most of all my thanks and extreme gratitude goes to husband, my best friend. I could never have done this without him. I know it had to be so hard to watch me go through the agony I did, but never once did he falter. He supported me through it all. He caught the baby, cut the cord and laid him on me. A moment we will cherish forever. He told me I must be the strongest woman in the world to go through all that. I just think my love for my baby and wanting him to have the best is where it came from. That and from God of course. I am so blessed. Remember, we were supposed to not be able to have children to begin with! Now we have a perfect little blessing.
Sorry about the extended length of this story. I’m sure Eileen and my husband would say I left a lot out, but hey, there’s nothing like labor amnesia!
Feel free to edit and share anything you might find useful.
Take care.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday Freebies
FREE Samples
FREE Eye Exam for infants See my story on this program here: Infant See article
FREE 3-Way from Gold Star Chili by joining their eClub
FREE Arby’s on Wednesday (last Freebie Wednesday is August 26)
FREE Fire Sense Booklet
FREE Kids meal from IHOP
FREE Nielsen Home Scanner Be one of the lucky few. Join Nielsen’s Homescan Consumer Panel today!
FREE Diabetes Meal Planner Curves - Free Fitness Plan Join Curves Now and Get 50% OFF & 30 DAYS ON US!
FREE Subscription to Food Arts Magazine
FREE ClipNGo Coupons - Back-to-School - Gear up for school lunches with $75 worth of printable coupons! Plus, enter for a chance to win $1,500 cash!
FREE Crafts - Cheap and Easy Crafts - Sign up for a free craft newsletter and receive the free bonus eBook ‘60 Cheap and Easy Crafts
FreeFlys - Join FreeFlys and get Free Samples of NAME-BRAND PRODUCTS!
Planning Family - Free Baby Samples - Baby on the way? Get free baby samples and coupons.
The Survey Doctor - The Survey Doctor - Earn $10 instantly! Work at home online and earn money Instantly! No Fees.
Free Travel Guides - Free Travel Guides and Brochures - Browse destinations, pick travel guides that you'd like, receive guides Free by mail or download.
LuckySurf - Win great prizes. Cash, new-technology, trips, make a wish and play your 10 free daily games, win at the daily draw and/or collect points to exchange them for prizes.
Free CD and Dell Drawing from Mike G - Free Money making CD and a chance to win a new Dell.
The NonProfit Times - Free subscription to The NonProfit Times - published 22 times a year, The NonProfit Times will provide you with hard hitting, and useful information on the business of managing your nonprofit organization.
Free Recipes - Pork Chop Recipes eCookBook
FREE Carefree Liners & Stayfree Pads
FREE Nicorette Gum
FREE GoodNites Sample
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The H1N1 Vaccine – Will You Get It?

Will you be getting it for you and your family when it becomes available? I’m not sure I will and here’s why I have my reservations. I do not get the normal flu shot yearly and it is the only shot I refused to allow my son to get. I do believe in regular vaccinations, just not this one. I just don’t think they are that effective since the shot may only be effective against one strain. The potential of the side effects, some being severe are not worth it to me.
The swine flu is scary. There have been deaths here in this area, two of them teenage brother and sister. (My heart goes out to that family, losing both children.) There is so much hype over this vaccine though, like it’s a miracle cure all coming out. Makes you wonder if the drug companies, looking to make millions of dollars off of this vaccine, are using the fear of the swine flu as propaganda to heighten people’s fears. Also, because of the push to get it out as soon as possible makes me ask, what shortcuts are they taking? I worry that the vaccine may be harmful to some and due to the rush to get it out, we may not find that out till it’s too late.
We need to inform ourselves before we rush out and inject ourselves and our children with a new, potentially dangerous drug. Questions to ask would be what are the ingredients? Will it contain mercury? What side effects have been reported? How many tests were done and what are the percentages of the vaccine working?
Right now, since nothing is available yet and many questions remain unanswered, I am taking a wait and see approach. It will be this fall before it will be available, so I am trying not to fret over it or the illness too much. That being said however, I am taking steps for prevention. If the suspected cases in our area continue to rise, I may set some limits on visiting places that could mean a high chance of exposure to the virus. I will continue to teach good hygiene practices like hand washing, wiping shopping carts down with disinfecting wipes and using hand sanitizer. I believe prevention and keeping your immune system healthy is key to preventing this virus and others as well.
If you would like to read more on what well know pediatrician, Dr. Sears thinks about this subject then check out his article HERE
Latest Recalls
To view the complete list vistit CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Latest Printable Coupons Out From Coupons.com
Want the latest coupons on items you use everyday?
Savings like
$1.00 off Welch's Grape Juice
$1.00 off two Grands! Biscuits
$.75 off Cheez-It crackers
& over 100 more coupons to save you money.
Print Free Coupons Online at Coupons.com or visit my sidebar to get your free coupons from Coupons.com!
Meier week of 8/16
Below are just a few of the deals you can get when grocery shopping at Meier this week. This is just a few of the items on sale or for free. There are plenty more on sale this week.
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum CF = Cellfire (online loadable coupons here)
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
Meier week of 8/16
AUNT MILLIE'S OLD FASHIONED WHITE BREAD 24 oz (Aunt Millie's Buns also on sale) sale price 4/$5 buy 1
-.35 RP 8/16 = .55 ea save 83%
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 4.5-9 oz sale price 1.50
-.40 SS 8/9 = .70 save 75%
Dole Fruit 24.5 oz (select varieties) sale price 1.99
-.55 SS 8/9 = .99 save 60%
Pepsi 12 pk/12 oz (select varieties) sale price 2.77
Save 57%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
Kroger Deals Week 8/16
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
For free items, if you can’t use the item – give it away! Helping others is pure joy especially when you can give them items that didn’t break your budget!
Code: SS = Smart Source RP = Red Plum CF = Cellfire (online loadable coupons here)
Be sure to check for online printable coupons on my sidebar > as well before you go!
Kroger week of 8/16
Kroger is featuring their Mega Event Sale this week in addition to their regular weekly bargains.
Here are a few items I noticed are a great bargain:
Nature Valley Granola Clusters 5 oz – sale price 2.49
-1.00 SS 8/9; -1.00 CF; -.50 mega sale = FREE!
Betty Crocker Warm Delights 2.5 oz – sale price 1.99
-.50 SS 8/9; -.50 CF; -.50 mega sale = FREE!
Chex Mix Bars 6 ct – sale price 2.49
-.50 SS 8/9; -.60 CF; -.50 mega sale = .39 Save 89%
Total Cereal 10.6 oz – sale price 1.99
-.75 SS 8/9; -.50 mega sale = .49 save 86%
CHEERIOS CEREAL 12 oz - Buy 2 – sale price 1.99 ea
-1.00/2 SS8/2 & 8/16; -.50 mega sale = .99 ea. Save 75%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time, so not responsible for errors.
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Link Address To Health & Wellness Website
Some links in older posts may not take you directly to the product highlighted. Instead it will redirect you to the main page where you can search for your product of choice.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We are trying to update our site and make it more easier to use. We hope you enjoy it!
Let Your Kids Go Fish!

Do you think it’s not that important to eat fish?
It’s very important, because fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids play a significant role in brain development, IQ levels, immune system and helps kids with behavioral problems like ADHD according to some studies. The two most important omega-3’s are DHA and EPA.
Do you love seafood, but your kids don’t?
Have you tried them recently? Kids tastes change and there are many different ways to fix different fish and shrimp that may appeal to their tastes and yours. Check the Internet for recipes. Shrimp Pizza seems to be a favorite. (just make sure to watch for signs of allergies) And have them help you make it. Kids are more apt to eat something they helped make.
Do you think it’s too much trouble to fix?
How hard are fish sticks to throw in the oven? Now, I would offer more than the breaded and fried version of fish. Have you looked for frozen fish on sale? They don’t take long to bake and no thawing is required. It takes me longer to make the mac and cheese I often serve (along with a veggie of course) than it takes to bake the fish.
Do you think fish isn’t safe to eat because of pollutants?
Well, yes some fish are not safe to eat at all, some are ok to eat once a month or so and some are safe to eat a couple of times a week. Here’s the list of ok fish to eat a couple of times a week. These are low in mercury, PCB’s and are not overfished:
- Anchovies
- Catfish (farmed)
- Clams
- Cod (Pacific)
- Crab (U.S.)
- Crawfish (U.S.)
- Flounder (Pacific)
- Mackerel (Atlantic, U.S.)
- Oysters (cooked)
- Pollack (Alaskan)
- Rainbow Trout (U.S. farmed)
- Salmon (wild Alaskan)
- Shrimp (U.S.)
- Tilapia (U.S.)
Here are some OK to eat once a month or so:
- Halibut (Pacific)
- Mahi Mahi
- Sablefish
- Tuna
Never let your kids eat these. (Not that many of them would eat these kinds!):
- King mackerel
- Swordfish
- Shark
- Tilefish
- Eel
Keep in mind, some farmed fish can be more polluted than wild caught fish depending on the ways they are managed. All fish have some contaminants in them, that’s how our world is nowadays unfortunately. All the more reason to change our ways. Beef and chicken are also tainted with pollutants, even the organic meat may have a small amount. So it’s almost impossible not to eat anything without some contamination. We just need to be smart about our choices.
Supplementing with fish oil capsules is also one way to add to your diet the essential fatty acids.
If you wish to supplement your diet and your kids diets, make sure the vitamin manufacturer use a purification process that removes the contaminants, but doesn't compromise the essential nutrients. Here are some I recommend and take myself:
For adults: OmegaGuard & Vita-Lea
For kids: Mighty Smart & Incredivites
For Infants & Toddlers: ShakleeBaby
So don’t overlook fish in your diet. Having smart, healthy kids is worth it.
Are You A Fierce Mama Bear?
I recently read a short article titled, “Taming Your Inner Mama Bear” from SheKnows on Huggie’s website. Click here to read it. She talked about how she gets very protective of her child and has gone off verbally on other children and their parents before when her child was hurt or bullied. She then goes on to say how she’s trying to channel that instinctive behavior to find better ways of dealing with the situation all while still protecting her child.
It can be difficult I know. I too, have to watch my reaction when I feel my child’s safety or well being is being threatened. I’m quick to temper anyway and this mama bear instinct is very strong. I believe this instinct is a good thing and I am certainly not going to try and soften it any. What I do need to try to do is to rationally evaluate the situation before “losing it” with someone. If they are just being insulting or inconsiderate then maybe I should find a more diplomatic way of getting my thoughts across. They deserve that second chance and they deserve a person who is together enough to “educate” them without being threatening to them. If however, they are truly jeopardizing him well, then they deserve my wrath. The hard part is knowing when it’s ok to shred them to pieces and when you should stop and think before you speak.
Do you ever struggle with this? Most moms probably do. If I had to choose though, I would say keep your mama bear instinct and let others beware!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday Freebies
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Some Fun Things Every Mom Should Know
I really liked some of her ideas and she seems to be the same type of mom I am – the kind that doesn’t believe in big theme birthday parties where you have to make, buy and finance gifts for the 30 children you have to invite.
Here are some of her ideas that were my favorites:
- Don’t make birthday parties a big deal.
- Don’t forget about board games. You’ll suffer through way too much Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, but Connect Four and Battleship aren’t half bad. And Clue rocks.
- Never stifle a generous inclination.
- Teach them to pump on the swings A.S.A.P.
- Teach your children to make their own breakfast – and allow them enough time so they can do it without pressure.
- Always pack wipes. If your kids go somewhere without you, send along wipes. It’s like having a mom with them.
- Do not allow the word weinies in your home.
- Give out awards for actual achievements.
- You’re never too old to dress up and decorate your house for Halloween. And it’s more fun for everyone if you are into it. It also entitles you to more candy.
- Independence is a wonderful thing. For everyone. So is together time. Make sure you have a healthy dose of both.
These ideas seem like great advice to me. One idea I would add is, enjoy the moment. It will never come again. Of course, that can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what kind of moment you are having.
Does anyone else have any other good ideas?
The World Equestrian Games are coming to the Kentucky Horse Park

FREE Entry To National Parks
If you were thinking of visiting one of our nation's great parks, now may be the time.
For more information visit their website http://www.nps.gov/
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Calcium Helps With Weight Loss
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
CVS 8/9/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
Sale Price 6.99
Coupon 3.00 SS 8/9; $3 ECB w/ purchase of Bic Soleil Razor or 4 ct Cartridges OPC
Final Price .99 Save 88%
Sale Price 2.99
Coupon 1.00 SS 8/9
Final Price 1.99 Save 60%
Sale Price 2.99
Coupon 1.00 SS 8/9
Final Price1.99 Save 60%
Huggies Pull-Ups Jumbo Pack - Buy 2
Sale Price 2/$18
Coupon 2.00/1 SS 7/19; $4 ECB w/ purchase of 2 featured Huggies
Final Price 6.00 ea (5.25 ea w/ 2 coupons) Save 52%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.
Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time so I’m not responsible for errors.
Walgreens 8/9/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
Listerine Mouthwash 500 ml AND Reach Toothbrush (select varieties) 1 ct AND Reach Floss 30 yds
Sale Price ea. 3/$9 Buy 1 ea
Coupon 3.00/2 SS 8/2; 6.00/3 in RR Limit 1 ea
Final Price FREE!
Colgate Total Enamel Strength Toothpaste 4 oz
Sale Price 2.99
Coupon .75 SS 7/26; 2.99 in RR Limit 1
Final Price Better than FREE!
Neosporin .26-.5 oz AND Band-Aid Bandages 8-20 pk
Sale Price 3.99 & 2.99
Coupon .50 SS 8/2;SS 6/28;RP 5/17 & .50 SS 8/2;SS 6/28;RP 5/17; 4.00/2 in RRLimit 1
Final Price 1.49 & .49 Save 82%
Carefree Pantiliners 34-60 ct
Sale Price 1.99
Coupon 1.00 SS 6/28
Final Price .99 Save 76%
Stayfree Maxi Pads 16-24 pk - Buy 2
Sale Price 1.99 ea.
Coupon Buy 1 get 1 free (-1.99)SS 6/28
Final Price 1.00 ea Save 75%
Sale Price 2.99
Coupon 1.00 SS8/9
Final Price 1.99 Save 60%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.
Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time so I’m not responsible for errors.
Meiers 8/9/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
DANNON DANIMALS CRUSH CUPS 4 pk (use 2 coupons)
Sale Price 2/$4 Buy 1
Coupon 1.00 SS 8/9 & SS 7/26 Store Coupon MM 1.00
Final Price FREE!
Tyson All Grade A Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (based on 1 lb package)
Sale Price 2.19/lb
Coupon 1.00 SS 7/12 & .50 SS 6/14
Final Price 1.19/lb Save 69%
Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 16 oz - Buy 2
Sale Price 2/$3
Coupon 1.25/2 RP 6/28
Final Price .88 ea Save 68%
Peter Pan Peanut Butter 18 oz - Buy 2
Sale Price 3/$5 Buy 2
Coupon .50/2 SS 8/2
Final Price 1.17 ea Save 67%
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 4.5-9 oz - Buy 2 (select varieties)
Sale Price 1.50 ea
Coupon .50/2 SS 7/12
Final Price 1.00 ea Save 65%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.
Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time so I’m not responsible for errors.
Kroger Deals 8/9/09
Be sure to visit the Grocery Game and see what you can get for FREE or on the cheap! They do all the work for you – tell you when the item is at its cheapest and when the coupon you need came out. They are cheap to use and the cost of membership is saved with one trip to the store!
Just use imnotasupermom@yahoo.com for your referral and get a 4 week trial for FREE!
Lady Speed Stick or Speed Stick 1.8-2 oz - Buy 2
Sale Price $.88 ea
Coupon1.00/2 SS 7/26
Final Price .38 ea Save 88%
Nexcare Bandages 8 ct
Sale Price 1.79
Coupon .55 RP 6/7
Final Price .79 Save 74%
Wishbone Salad Dressing 7-16 oz
Sale Price 1.79
Coupon 1.00RP 6/28
Final Price .79 Save 73%
Sale Price 1.67
Coupon .50 SS 8/9
Final Price .67 Save 72%
Knorr Pasta or Rice Sides 4.5 oz - Buy 2
Sale Price 10/$10 buy 2
Coupon .75/2 RP 8/2
Final Price .50 ea Save 64%
Sale Price 2.99
Coupon .50 RP 6/28 & RP 8/2
Final Price 1.99 Save 62%
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls 7 oz - Buy 3
Sale Price 4/$5 buy 3
Coupon .75/3 SS 5/31
Final Price .92 ea Save 46%
Sales may differ depending on region, so check your flyer.
Remember, check out the Grocery Game to make your grocery list of savings this week and use me, imnotasupermom@yahoo.com as your referral to get 4 weeks free!
I make mistakes all the time so I’m not responsible for errors.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday Freebies
Do you know of anymore you would like to share?
- FREE Mars chocolate bars
- Kids eat FREE at Ikea - IKEA is offering free food for their youngest customers. Through August 16th, kids under 12 can choose any 3 kid-sized items to create a free kids' meal. There is no adult purchase necessary. This promotion is valid at participating locations, so be sure to call you local store before you stop by.
- McDonald’s Coupon for FREE fries and medium drink. McDonald's has released a new coupon here for free medium fries and a medium drink when you purchase an Angus Third Pounder. The Angus burger comes in three varieties - Deluxe, Bacon & Cheese, and Mushroom & Swiss. This offer is valid through August 31st.
- JC Penney $10 off $10 in-store or online - Everyone can use the coupon code GET4BTS for $10 off any $10 purchase and get 5% cash back thru Ebates at JCPenney.com.
Did you get a JCPenney catalog in your mailbox? inside was a coupon for $10 off any $10 purchase at JCPenney. You have to get that $10 off $10 paper coupon in your mailbox in order to use it in the store. - FREE Trial Pair Acuvue 2 Colours contact lens
- FREE Honey Nut Cheerios Sample
- FREE samples of Fiber One Honey Clusters cereal & Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bar, Plus $5 in coupons!
- FREE sample of Nature's Variety pet food here
- FREE TENA sample here
- FREE Pregnancy Planner here
- FREE Yoplait Whips when you sign up for the Betty Crocker newsletter here
- Domino’s: FREE Chocolate Lava Crunch Cake for August Birthdays - From August 3 - August 31, anyone with an August birthday can stop by their local Domino’s to receive one FREE Lava Crunch Cake on their birthday!
- FREE - Scope Outlast dental care kit that includes the following Scope Outlast products: mouthwash, Crest toothpaste, and Oral-B floss pick
- FREE gift from CVS for ExtraCare members
- FREE iPhone or iPod applications from Barnes & Noble
Thanks to
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Kitchen Fire - What NOT To Do
Please watch this short 30 sec video about what can easily happen with a grease fire in the kitchen.
Do not throw water on it! The water, being heavier than oil, sinks to the bottom where it instantly becomes superheated. The explosive force of the steam blows the burning oil up and out.
Inside the confines of a kitchen, the fire ball hits the ceiling and fills the entire room. Also, do not throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. One cup of either creates the explosive force of two sticks of dynamite.
Please teach your children what to do as many a pre-teen and teenager (and adults) have been badly burned when they were cooking.
Having a fire extinguisher handy and knowing how to use it is the best way to put out a fire. I had to do it once. Yes, it makes a mess, but the grease fire I had was spreading fast. I felt that a fire extinguisher mess in the kitchen was better than a burned down house.
Thanks to my brother for passing this on to me.
Best Water Perfect Pitcher

At a fraction of the cost of bottled water, the BestWater PerfectPitcher filter uses a unique filtration system that combines granulated activated carbon (derived from coconut shells) and advanced ion exchange beads to trap and hold contaminants.*
It reduces aesthetic chlorine and other sources of unpleasant tastes, odors and also reduces particulates such as sediment, rust, and scale which can come from plumbing fixtures. Conveniently fits in your refrigerator door and can be taken on the road.
I use this at home and we love it! It's easy to use and is by far the best tasting water from a pitcher.
Click here for more information.
*Substances reduced by BestWater may not necessarily be in your tap water. BestWater systems are not intended to purify non-drinkable sources of water, water of unknown quality, or water that is microbiologically unsafe.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Update: On Brown Recluse Spider Bite
I am happy to say he is doing quite well. The wounds have healed and there is minimal scarring.
I truly believe the reason he healed so quickly was due to we got the medicine in him within 24 hours and that he is so healthy. I believe in giving him infant and toddler vitamins from Shaklee, specifically the Shaklee Baby Vitamin Mix and I crush up one chewable Vita-C in his drink every morning. The docs all say he is so healthy and helped him to heal quickly.
I know of two other people who waited only a few days to seek medical attention and are still trying to recover after months of hospitalization, surgeries and rehabilitation. We are so fortunate.
I still worry that he will get bit again because I don't know where the bite occurred. Was it in the house? On the slide outside? In the yard? We may never know. It may have been a one in a million chance, too.
Please take all insect bites seriously. See your doctor if there is swelling, fever, rash, etc. If it ends up being benign, then good. If it's more sinister, then you have a better chance of healing if you get medical help early.
Setting Limits For Toddlers

Here is a good article from Dr. Sears on setting limits and time out for toddlers.
It talks about what to do when your toddler seems out of control and doesn’t listen when you tell him/her to stop the behavior. A toddler who doesn’t listen?! Wow, I never have that problem! I am being sarcastic of course.
My 17 month old I think gets great pleasure in finding new ways to send me over the edge. He is always into something he shouldn’t be! Whether it be getting into cabinets and dragging out all the contents, like the pots and pans while I’m trying to make dinner, or climbing into the computer chair and banging on the keyboard when I get up to answer the phone, or throwing his toys into the garbage can which is his latest “trick”. He also likes to run towards the street and towards the cars as he loves cars. He is currently working on undoing the latches on his crib. I won’t be able to contain him much longer I’m afraid. You get the picture and if you have a toddler you are nodding your head in agreement.
One thing though that I have learned is to pick my battles. If I went around and constantly shouted, “NO!” at everything he did “wrong” neither one of us would be enjoying the day or each other. I want him to grow up to be a happy child, not a sullen one who feels he can’t do anything right. That is what he would become if I constantly got on him for every little thing. Besides, I don’t have the energy for that kind of heavy discipline.
Now I am strict though. I have set rules and boundaries that he is learning. There are just certain things he is not allowed to do and I remain consistent on the punishment. I believe consistency is the key in training. I want him to know without a doubt what is allowed and what isn’t. This, I think will make life easier for both him and me as he gets older. Children need structure and rules so they can safely enjoy life. We as parents need to teach them these boundaries to keep them safe and help them learn there are consequences to their actions. It also makes our lives easier since it helps have happy, well behaved children who are a joy to be around. Besides, life is too busy to be chaotic and stressful with your children. Though I am strict about some things, I do let other things go. I pick what is important and remain firm to give him structure and to teach. Then I let him do other things that may be a little annoying at times, but are not that important.
How I discipline is, I tell him in a firm and sometimes angry tone that he can’t do that. Then I quickly and firmly remove him from the situation. If he screams in anger or throws a fit, he goes into time out for one minute. I started timeouts early with him and he knows why he is there. He may whine for a short time, but he has learned if he stays still and is quiet, the time out is over soon and all is forgiven. I never thought I would be a “time out” kind of parent till I tried it and I’m amazed at how well it works. Because he is learning what he is not allowed to do, often time if he forgets, which toddlers often do, or he is testing me all it takes is a verbal warning. If he continues, then the time out is issued. He will eventually learn that he will get the same consequence every time he does it thereby learning not to do it. I hope. At least that is the plan.
One of the nicest compliments you can give a parent is to say what a joy their child is to have around. It shows how much you appreciate the hard work that went into raising that child to have respect for others and to basically be well behaved. It is also a compliment to the child who is rewarded for their good behavior by being praised.
As children, my brothers and I still got into trouble now and then, but overall we were well behaved children. My parents insisted on it and we knew without a doubt what the consequences were if we misbehaved. We had a healthy “fear” of our parents and what they would do to us if we misbehaved. I’m sure many would agree that is what some of the problem is with the children of society today. They need a healthy “fear” of the consequences of their actions and it’s up to us to make sure this next generation of children grows up to be the well behaved and respectful citizens we hope they turn out to be.
Keep Your Toddler in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Until Age 2 (Not 1)
New research indicates that children under 2 years of age are 75% less likely to die or experience serious injury when they ride in a rear-facing car seat and, toddlers between 1 and 2 years of age are 5 times safer than toddlers who ride in a front-facing car seat."
Wow! Those are some pretty impressive percentages!
I still have my 17 month old facing backwards and since he has never ridden any other way, he doesn't give me any trouble. I have noticed, though that he seems to be the only toddler I have seen still facing backwards. When I go to the park or store, etc, I always see kids his age and even younger facing forward. I find this terribly disturbing. When I heard that during a crash that toddlers can incur what is called an internal decapitation, where their necks and soft tissues break from the force of their over sized heads slamming forward, I knew I had to keep him rear facing as long as possible.
I know lifting a toddler in and out of a rear facing seat is hard to do especially in the backseat of a little car. It kills my back sometimes to lift him and I have often times accidentally bumped his little head on the inside roof trying to get him in. I am teaching him though, to climb in himself then I buckle him in. It can be a hassle, but to me his safety is worth it.
I highly recommend you keep your child rear facing as long as possible till age two as recommended. I'm sure you'll agree that their lives are certainly worth the hassle.
You can read more on this article Here