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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Want To Change Your Luck?

Think that some people seem luckier than others? Does it appear that bad luck follows you everywhere? Are you like I was – saying, “That’s just my luck”?

Why is it that some people are successful at almost everything they do, while others seem to continually fail? Is it luck, or something else?
Want to change your luck for the better? Well, if you do there is a secret I am willing to share with you.

If you want to change your luck, you first have to change your thinking. You see, what you think about comes about. Our thoughts are extremely powerful and must be mastered. They can shape our lives in ways we can only imagine.

In order for you to create anything – health, finances, career, relationships, etc. you have to attract those things with the way you think. So if you want a successful career, you have to think successfully. If you want a great relationship in your life, then you have to think about what you want and what you see in a person and yourself that would make for a great relationship.

So how do you change your thinking when it seems like everything bad is happening? Well, I have to first ask this question. Is everything that has been happening to you really bad? I mean is it really or does it just appear that way? Come on, think about it. There has to be at least one good thing going on in your life. Take a minute and think of a few. Still have your job? Are you and your kids healthy? See where I’m going with this? Before reading any further take a minute and think of the things that are going right in your life.

Ok, so now that we realize that not everything happening right now is bad, how do I take a few good things and make more of them show up in my life? First we focus on what we have instead of what we don’t have. I know you have heard this before, but it bears repeating. Being grateful for all the things we have and always saying thanks is the one sure way to feel good and get those good thoughts flowing. When you start adding up all the blessings you have in your life then the things that aren’t going so well tend to slip into the background don’t they?

Next take stock over what you have control over. You may not have control over the economy, but you have control over your own spending. You can’t control how other people react to things, but you can control how you react. You also can control your thoughts.

Never waste your time thinking about something you do not want. Concentrate only on what you want to happen. Does it always work out the way you plan? No, of course not. But a lot of times it does and the reason it does is because when you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want the things you need to succeed start showing up. Like, the materials you need to finish that project suddenly become available and at a good price; the right people you need to meet to get the job start showing up out of the blue. In drag racing your car is running consistent and for some strange reason your opponents keep red lighting making it appear you are “lucky” that day. You get the picture?

Take control of the one thing you do have control over – your thoughts. There it is, the secret to better luck – our own thoughts.
So, if you want to be lucky, then start thinking like a lucky person.

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