How hard can this be? I've trained dogs and horses before, how hard can it be to train a little person? I am about to find out just how hard it can be.
Parents are weird aren't we? We teach our children to "go" in their pants and then all of a sudden switch places and now tell them they shouldn't. How confusing that must be to a child!
So out comes the big boy underwear, the potty chair (which has been in our bathroom for months used only sporadically) an array of stickers, snacks, crackers to make him thirsty so he’ll drink more, to pee more. All in the hope it will teach him faster through repetition.
I also have special coloring pages, special “wipes” in his favorite cartoon character bin, special candy and treats for when he does go in the potty, books, toys - you name it it’s in the bathroom. You can’t enter the bathroom during the day without tripping over something and getting to the toilet to use it yourself is quite a challenge. My husband has resorted to using the downstairs bathroom in an effort to keep from breaking his leg by tripping over some potty training paraphernalia.
I also have plenty of clean up supplies on hand. What I wasn’t prepared for though, was the huge amount of time is involved. It literally takes most all my time. My only break is nap time which is time I use to write articles.
I never dreamed I would get so excited, jump up and down, do a dance, give out treats so freely for a little pee pee in a bowl. I must look like a complete idiot, but if you have ever had to housebreak, I mean potty train a child then you know the kind of potty dance/celebration I'm talking about. Dancing with the Stars rejects have nothing on me. Hey, the name of the game is fun for your little one and if looking like a dancing fool does the trick to ending diapers then that's what you have to do.
When my husband comes home or calls I can’t wait to tell him about any successes we’ve had that day. I’m sure he’s just thrilled about hearing another potty conversation. He's witnessed our shameless dance and though he doesn't join in (he has managed to retain his self control) he does applaud our son's efforts.
Of course I omit all the misses. My husband does not support the no diapers during the day idea. Can’t say I blame him since he always seems to find the wet spots on the carpet with his socks. My telling him that is where I scrubbed it clean does nothing for his “Yuck” face.
I was hoping for warm weather so we could play outside in just a long shirt and underwear since it is easier to hose off the deck as opposed to scrubbing the carpet. It's been cold and rainy. Stupid weather! Doesn't it understand how we need it's cooperation for this potty training thing to work?! I threatened the sky with a time out. I don't think the sky is real scared of me because it is rainy, cold and windy. I may have to try a different approach with Mother Nature.
Back to the indoor training.
Since I can't use a dog crate like when you housebreak a puppy, I am forced to always keep a sharp lookout for the signs. One main sign of course is him looking down and spreading his feet apart as he is dribbling on the floor. Being the helpful little man that he is, he yells out, "Pee pee! I went pee pee!" My response, "Greeeaaatt!" Actually it's more along the line of #*&% muttered under my breath as I jump to my feet to run and take him to the bathroom. Hey, a burst of aerobic activity is good for me. Actually I think that telling me after the fact is a good sign. Better late than never I guess.
Spot by spot my floors are being scrubbed clean. This does get easier, right?
See if it does in the next installment of Adventures in Potty Training Part 3
Yuck, I have to confess - the wet spots on the carpet gross me out, too. I've had a positive experience with Joy Berry's I Love Potty Training iPhone application ( It's fun and lively!