Today I saved over $45.00.
My grocery bill for this week is $50.67 which is my goal. Not too bad. There are some coupon queens out there who may have scored better than I did, but I think $50.00 for the week is a pretty good grocery bill.
I did forget one thing - celery, but I think we can live without it this week.
I have more than enough food for the week and stocked up on things that were on sale and I had coupons for.
Unfortunately Meiers only accepts two of the same coupons, but I was able to stack manufacturer coupons on top of their store coupons that you can print off of their website.
I would have bought more, but since this store only accepts 2 of the same coupon, I was limited. I could make a second trip, but who has time for that?
I also don't have an extra freezer to store food so I am limited on space.
Here is just a sample of some of the good deals:
Both Ball Park & Kahn's Bun Size Hot dogs
Regular Price - 1.99 ea.
Sale Price - .79 ea.
Coupons worth .50 off each
Total cost = .29 ea!
Savings = 1.70 ea!
I bought six packs and will freeze them
Aunt Millie's Hot Dog buns
Regular Price - 1.50 ea.
Sale Price - .50 ea.
Coupons worth - .35 off 2
Total Cost = .26 ea!
Savings = 1.24 ea!
Bought 3 packs
Bertolli Spaghetti Sauce
Regular Price - 2.43 ea.
Sale Price - 2.00 ea
Coupons worth 1.25. ea.
Total cost = .75 ea!
Savings = 1.68 ea!
Bought 2
Johnsonville Brats
Regular Price - 4.99 ea
Sale Price - 3.00 ea.
Coupons worth - .50 ea.
Total cost = 1.50 ea!
Savings = 3.49 ea!
Bought 2 - would have bought some of their Italian Sausage, but they were out of the flavor I wanted :(
Kraft Shredded Cheese
Regular Price - 2.74 ea.
Sale Price - 1.67 ea.
Coupons worth - 1.00 ea.
Total cost = .67 ea!
Savings = 2.07 ea!
Bought 2
Ritz Crackers
Regular Price - 2.78 ea.
Sale Price - 2.50 ea.
Coupons worth - 1.00 ea.
Total cost = 1.50 ea!
Savings = 1.28 ea!
Bought 2
Regular Price = 42.32
Paid out of pocket = 11.36
Savings = 30.96!
That is just on these items alone. I did buy other grocery items also on sale and also with coupons, but I just wanted to highlight some of the really good deals.
The only things I bought that I didn't have coupons for were strawberries and lettuce.
Notice that these are high quality name brand items. Though I often get store brands, sometimes if you wait for the best sale and combine them with the use of coupons you can actually get the name brand cheaper than the store brand!
Be sure to check out my previous posts under Saving Money for ideas and help. Be sure to collect your coupons from the Sunday paper as well as online printables like the ones you can get below to start saving like I did today!
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