Today, I recommend trying the Coupon Mom.
Coupon Mom allows you to find the best grocery deals by the state you live in. You can click on your favorite store and on your city and find out what’s on sale that week. I have found that the majority of time they are very accurate. They give you the average percentage saved which is nice. You can also click on the percentage saved column and put it in the order by percentage to see more easily the products you are going to save the most on. You can also put the list in alphabetical order. I recommend only stocking up on items that save you 40% or more. You can also preview upcoming deals the Friday before they come out.
What I really love is their grocery coupon database. This database allows you to do a search by product name and according to the area you live, it comes up with the date and which coupon stack it came out in. If you date and save your coupons that come in the Sunday paper, you can easily find a coupon by using this database.
They also have free information in the form of articles and Ebooks on how to save the most on your grocery bill which is nice. You need to make time to read it though to maximize your savings.
Now for what I don’t like.
The site is very full of ads, which can make the pages look too busy, but the content is good if you don’t mind looking around for it. The home page just looks like one big ad. My links in this post skips over the homepage and takes you to the page where you can find the grocery deals by state.
If you scroll down on this page it gives you quick instructions on how to use your Sunday paper’s coupons. They also have links to online coupons and samples as well as forums and blogs. It can seem a little overwhelming at first, but if you use them mainly as a guide each week to see what’s on sale and just use their database, it can teach you how to use coupons easily and save more money.
How I do it is very similar to the way Coupon Mom suggests except I cut out most of the coupons I know I need. I write the date at the top of the coupons that came in the paper and file them away, so if I see a special sale on an item that is on sale I don't use all the time, but still may want I will check to see if I have a coupon for it. I can go to the database, look up the date and pull it out of my file.
Every week though I cut out the coupons for products I know I will use and file them in a binder that has individual slots like collectors put baseball cards in. I take that zippered binder to the store with me and when I see a great sale price on an item then I take out the coupon(s) for it to maximize my savings. Often times there are sales going on that were never advertised. I bring my binder with me on every trip just in case I see an item I can use that’s on sale and I have coupons for. This is how I stock up when I can get the item at its cheapest and save the most money off my overall grocery bill. You can read my other posts under Saving Money on how I use my coupons.
I ask though, that if you are wanting to check out the online printable coupons to please click on my Coupons ads. We all get commissions from your printouts and we greatly appreciate your support.
I hope you enjoy Coupon Mom and let me know your thoughts on it.
For the best deals in online printable coupons, check out ours below!
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