Having a toddler who isn’t yet potty trained always seems to provide more versions of poop than I have ever imagined existed. Mine loves to eat most anything. I am happy that he’s a good eater and isn’t too picky, but it can have its draw backs. For you see, what goes in must come out.
For example, this morning I decided to watch a PBS cartoon with my little guy. So I curled up on the couch and held out my arms to help him up into my lap for some nice snuggle time. Due to life’s hectic schedule we don’t get enough of this close time, but I should have known he had set a trap for me. Once he was in my lap, I noticed the little brown cloud emerging overhead. Whew!! Last night’s meatloaf I made with just a little too much onion had made an early, fragrant return.
I was delighted I got to it before it made its second exit out the sides of the pull ups and onto the pants. My delight turned to horror though when I cautiously opened it up. When he giggles and says, “Aw, man!” a phrase I often say aloud when faced with these big loads, I knew I was in trouble. The meatloaf he couldn’t get enough of last night had made a hasty exit this morning. How did his digestive organs store and process all that? I should have put him on the scale before and after. I bet he lost 2 pounds!
Even though I wrapped it in a plastic bag and knotted it my house now smells like we all ate a sack of White Castle’s for breakfast this morning. Oh, just another one of the joys of Motherhood. Daddy though likes to handle these “joys” with his shirt pulled up over his nose. Yeah, like that works.
Though I need an air freshener, I still wouldn’t trade it for anything. :)
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