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Friday, October 2, 2009

I Lost My Coupon Organizer! :(

I feel like such a dope!

I usually have my son in the front of the cart, but I had a rare opportunity to go to the store last night without him. I was crunched for time and had to get back so I was rushing. I usually stick my coupon binder (looks like a cancelled check organizer) in a bag, but I must have left it sitting in the front of the cart when I left in a hurry.

I am sick as I had all my Bigg's triple coupon matchups in it. I could cry.

My dear husband called to see if someone turned it in, but no. I laughed and said either one or two things happened - a couponer thought she hit the jackpot or a store employee who hates coupons threw it away instantly.

I'm usually more careful than that. Guess that's what happens when you are overtired and in a rush.

If you coupon like I do then you know how much “money” was lost. I had coupons in there that would have allowed me to get many name brand items at Biggs today for free or just pennies! Click on
More Couponing Tricks if you want to learn how.


My dear, dear husband just scored some extra brownie points! He went to the store and asked the manager. They opened a locked drawer, and there with a beam of light from heaven shining on it was my coupon organizer! I can't believe it! He says that prayer to St. Anthony whenever he loses something and he always finds the item. Good old St. Anthony came through again!

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