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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is there anything more annoying than growing out your bangs?

I mean what the heck do you do with them when they get too long, fall into your eyes and make your eyelids and nose itch? You end up scratching off all your eyeliner and eye shadow because they are tickling you eyelids. Or you worry that you think someone will think you have a fetish with your nose or think you are picking your nose because the hair tickling your nose makes you scratch it constantly. Funny how we start to get paranoid over things like that.

But what do you do when those stupid pieces of hair are too short to tuck behind your ear?
I have ended up pulling them back and securing them on top of my head with a hair clip. You know what kind of clip I'm talking about? The cute new type that is little. I think they made them for children's hair since they don't hold much. I know it looks dorky, but what else can I do? I have tried the stylish barrettes and pulling them over to the side only to have half of them not make it and fall out and straight down. I mean come on I'm 40 not 15! Nothing looks "cute" on me anymore.

These clips are really hard to use because they are small. I can't tell you how many times I have sent one flying across the room as I try to squeeze the ends together to get it to open wide enough to encompass all the hair I want it to hold. Then only to have that stupid clip fly out of my hands, bounce off the mirror, bounce in the sink a few times and go right down the drain that the stopper is out of because you broke it the last time you tried to get your earring out you dropped.

Now you are still holding your stupid bangs back against the top of your head as you stare down the sink drain looking at the shiny plastic staring back up at you. You try and decide what is more important at the moment, securing your bangs back out of your eyes or fishing the clip out of the drain before someone spits toothpaste all over it. You decide your bangs are more important because of two reasons. One, you can't see with them down in your eyes anyway and two, if you have to deal with them one minute longer you are just going to pull them out by the roots. Then if you do that you'll be too upset to do any drain fishing because you now look like a dork that got into a freak accident.

So now you find yourself fishing through the mess of hair stuff in the drawer looking for another clip all the while still holding back your bangs against the top of your head. After you have managed to drop on the floor a ponytail holder, two bobby pins (No, don't use them you will REALLY look dorky if you do) and a comb you finally find one clip left. A dusty one and not in the most flattering of colors. You sigh as you try again. Once you have the clip in you fight back a tear as you look at how dorky you think you look in the mirror. Then you notice the hair isn't laying quite right as it enters the clip. Do you dare try it again? Oh, and now you're late for work. Sigh.

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