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Friday, February 27, 2009


OK, today I am tackling driving.

This is such a sore subject amongst those who commute or just do a lot of driving in general. See if you can relate to this one.

You know, people who drive like idiots used to just make me angry. But now that I have had a baby I realize how angry it makes me they are jeopardizing his little brand new life. When you have a child you really start to notice how bad people's driving has become. Their disregard for others' safety and how their rudeness so affects other people's day.
Their carelessness or it's all about me attitude could at the very least ruin someone's day and at the very most take away what they and others hold most dear. The precious life of someone they love.
What's more important? Getting there first or helping to make sure you and others get there safe?

Ok, now that I have made you all melancholy again and hopefully a little ashamed over how you may have treated people on your way in this morning. Let's go over the drive most of us face every day.

When people treat me like I don't exist on the roadways it helps if I remind myself that today must be my turn to be invisible.

It amazes me of how much power one person has over a large amount of people when put behind the wheel of a vehicle. This one person has the ability to start or end someone's day very badly. Let's start by driving to work.

You're driving along, going the speed limit, and coming to full stops. You are just generally minding your own business and not bothering anyone. You're courteous when you change lanes or by signaling your turns and not cutting anyone off. You generally feel good Karma out there for the other drivers or at least indifference towards them. When out of nowhere comes this.............idiot.

At the four-way stop in your neighborhood there are certain rules that everyone must follow right? You know the rules. The first car there goes first. If two cars arrive at the same time it is the car on the right that goes first or the car going straight goes before the car turning. Everyone knows these rules, but there is always the one who thinks, the rules don't apply to them because it's all about them. So when it's your turn the other driver turns in front of you. The idiot.

Then while going past the McDonalds the next driver pulls out in front of you when there is no one behind you. Why couldn't he have waited till you got by? Because it's all about them. You steam because the idiot gets through the light, but you don't.

Then you finally get through the light that a person ran a red on. You mumble, "idiot" and glare at them as they go by wondering why they are in such a hurry. It's because it's all about them.

On the to the entrance ramp to the highway, after waiting through two traffic lights you get to finally turn on the green arrow. It's your turn, right? Not according to the oncoming driver trying to enter the same ramp. You have the green arrow, he has the yield sign, but he doesn't understand the word yield. Why? Because it's all about them.

Then while ramping on, you are supposed to be up to close to highway speed so you can safely merge into traffic. But inevitably you are stuck behind this person who thinks 40 mph is plenty fast enough to merge into 65 mph + traffic. You mumble "idiot" to yourself and decide to wait your turn to merge which of course ends up being he gets in front of the dump truck and you are stuck behind it as it flails rocks down onto the roadway which dance up to meet your car.

You laugh disgustingly as you read the sign on the back of truck that says, "Not Responsible For Objects Thrown From Road." So they are not responsible for that rock that falls off their truck and happens to bounce once on the ground before rising back up to meet your car? They are not responsible because it touched the ground first? What do they think we are? Idiots?

Ironically enough the car behind you shoots over into the lane instead of waiting his turn to merge behind you making it hard for you to slip in right behind the dump truck that is going 35 mph and is so graciously showering you with its load. You mumble "idiot" and feel alone because it's all about them.

Finally after 40 cars pass you and your paint is now chipped down to the primer, you get around the dump truck only to have your doors blown off by the multi-taskers. They apply their makeup, shave, read papers, reach for things that have fallen on the floor and of course they talk on the phone. All the while going at speeds you try and estimate. 75? 80? 85? Wow.
There is no need to rant about driving and talking on cell phones here. So many else already have. You've seen these "idiots" and have learned it's all about them.

Then things spread out, you are finally on your way and you think you might just get there on time. While you are enjoying this little illusion when of all of sudden, brake check! Everyone comes to almost a stop on the highway. Crap.

The lanes inch by ever so slowly. You see cars go from lane to lane. Now there is a law in a traffic jam. No matter what lane you are in, no matter how many times you change lanes, the other two lanes will always, and I mean always move faster than the lane you are in. The same law applies to grocery checkout lanes.
You grit your teeth as that same dump truck just now passed you in the other lane. Finally when you get up to the scene of the traffic jam you shout, "idiots!" as you pass by two people arguing over the little fender bender that has caused you to sit for the past 15 minutes dashing all hope of arriving on time. They can do it because it's all about them.

You are finally on your way and passing that dump truck yet once again. He forgot to chip your front headlight the first time you passed him, so he got it this time.

You finally make it to your exit. You get over in your "exit only" lane in plenty of time and who do you meet there? Two types of people. The first type are those who either can't or refuse to read road signs that say, "exit only". They wait till the striped lines are outside their door to dash over back onto the highway. You mumble, "idiot" in harmony with the other driver in the car on the highway they just cut off. You both know it's all about them.

The second type, well do you have to ask? They are the line jumpers. You know the ones that feel they are given the birthright of not having to wait their turn in line. They would never jump in front of you in line at the grocery or atm, because they know they would get pounded, but they have no problem darting in at the last second with no turn signal and come to an abrupt stop two feet in front of your bumper. They know better to look in the mirror at your glaring face and moving lips that are mouthing the word, "idiot". They don't because it's all about them. And oh by the way, they of course get through the light at the end of the exit and you don't.

Once through the light and back onto regular streets you notice a looming presence in your rear view mirror. It's the tailgater. You are going 5 mph OVER the speed limit! What is their problem you shout internally? You can't go faster than the car in front of you and you know they can see that. So why do they feel the need to ride your backside? I want use another description, but of course I can't.

You so want to jam on the brakes to teach them a lesson, but you realize this "idiot" has kids in the car with them. So you choose to take the high road and don't. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for that one. You deserve it. You are smarter than they are. Because this time it's all about the kids they have in the car and not all about them.

By the way, did you know that the majority of people who tailgate me are women? I would say about 99% of them are. I wonder why? Is it because they think it's all about them?
So idiots, I mean people, back off, because next time if I see it's just you in the car I may not be so nice. You just may end up having my rear bumper become your hood ornament.

Finally, once you get to turn into work and realize you just might make it right on time only to find the place you have parked in everyday since the beginning of time is taken over by the boss's new boss. You know the one that just graduated college last week, makes more money than you could ever hope for and drives a car that costs almost as your first house. It's all about them remember.
This change in routine requires you to park a 1000 feet away dashing all hope of arriving on time. When asked by your supervisor about your tardiness in front of his new boss you angrily describe the car that took your "spot" but not before you realize it's the new boss's ride and say, "The idiot". Oops.

Guess what? It's only Monday and you get to repeat it all over again on your way home.

You know, when asked most people think they are above average drivers.
The idiots.

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