Sharing ways to save money with others is a great way to spread the wealth so to speak and learn of ways you may have not thought of.
Here are just a few ways we save around here.
You can ask me for more details on them if you want.
Please share with us your own money saving strategies.
No matter how big or how small it all adds up!
· Combining coupons with sale prices -
I’ve written articles before on how we save money by combining coupons with sale prices at groceries to maximize your savings. Though there are people who are much better at it than I am we were able to save about 40% off our grocery bill this past year. If I told you I was going to give you cash back up to 40% of your grocery bill if you would be willing to spend just a couple hours a week to get that money, would you do it? Sure, most people would and that is what maximizing your savings can do, but it does it before you spend your money!
· Hanging clothes to dry instead of just throwing everything in the dryer -
You may think you don’t have time for that but if it saved you a ton of money would you be able to find the time? And it really doesn’t take all that much more time. I wish I could figure an exact dollar amount it saves, but that might be hard to pin down. This winter to date we have yet to have an electric bill over $200. Most people with a house like ours can’t say that. One huge expense is the dryer. It not only drives up your electric bill, it makes your clothes wear out faster, too! This causes you to buy clothes more often costing you even more money! Worried about stiff clothes? Mine aren’t. You can still soften them in the dryer for just a minute.
· Shopping out of season -
I have been going to stores lately when I get the chance and buying up next year’s winters clothes for pennies on the dollar. Example – I bought my son a brand new winter coat for next year for $10. The price tag said $79.99. I got it so cheap because it was missing the snow pants and it’s end of season for retailers. You may be thinking Spring when you see all the cute shorts and tops out now, but to save money think next winter!
· Rarely buying new -
Cars aren’t the only thing you should never buy new. There are so many things you can buy used that are in great shape. Clothes, electronics, exercise equipment, books and other media and more can all be bought used. You can save literally thousands of dollars. Why pay more for things when you don’t have to? If you insist on buying new, just be sure to check around on the Internet for the best price and wait, wait and wait some more for sales. Most brick and mortar stores will price match if you can bring in written proof or a flyer of their competitor’s sale, too.
What are some ways you save money?
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