If you are NOT like the person mentioned above and you want to come hang out with someone who isn’t a Supermom either, then you’ve come to the right place.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Potty Training Questions with Dr. Gwenn on 4tunate
Quatro Mama has 4 quadruplet boys, so if she can potty train four boys at once, you can do it!
Check out her article here: Questions and Answers on Potty Training with Dr. Gwenn
You can read our potty training stories, a several part series here to see how we survived: Adventures in Potty Training
Mega Swagbucks Friday
This is where you can free gift cards, merchandise and more just for surfing the Net.
Everytime you put in a search querie, why not get paid for it?
I recently just received a $50 gift card for Amazon and I do not surf that much!
And on Fridays they offer Mega Swagbucks where you can win more of them and they randomly throw in large ones.
Check them out here:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Carrots In With the Flowers?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What's Wrong With the Rest of It?
FREE Disney Vacation Planning DVD
If you are planning on going to Disney this year, you might want to check out this dvd.
You just provide your email and zip code to sign up for free coupons from Cool Savings and you should get this free dvd offer.
Save at CoolSavings with grocery coupons, free stuff offers, discount codes, tips and more! Click Here
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Just Received My $50 Amazon Gift Card for FREE!
Actually my husband earned most of it as he surfs more than I do.
I love the fact that I can get free money just for doing what I do (or what my husband does) everyday. You can get other gift cards or even free merchandise if Amazon isn't your thing.
Check them out and start earning your free stuff today! What will you buy?
Click here to learn more> Swagbucks
2011 Beach Water Park Season Passes for Only $42!
Get a 2011 season pass for only $42!
This is a $85 value saving you $43.
But don't wait too long to think it over as this deal ends in 2 days!
Click this link to snag the deal > Beach Waterpark Season Pass for $42
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Welcome to Toddler Land
Allow me to give you a tour.
Over here we have “Temper Tantrum City”. Here you can see the showdowns between toddlers and their parents, which are always held in public. Not to worry if you miss a show, they occur on the hour every hour.
Over there we have the “I Can Do It Myself!” attraction showing the always late to arrive parents, ever so patiently watching re-enactments of their children taking 20 minutes to pick out what they want to wear, dressing themselves and putting their shoes on the wrong feet.
Over here we have the “NO!” attraction where every request you make will be authentically refused by one of our many talented actors, or you can bring your own toddler to use in the show.
Here we have our interactive “Uh-Oh” attraction which is sure to make all children giggle and parents gasp. Here children can actively engage in activities with each other around very expensive and breakable objects. A credit card is required up front.
Over there is the “Mommy, I Don’t Feel So Good” attraction. Warning: Raincoats are recommended and is not for the squeamish or for anyone whose gag reflex is easily triggered.
If you get hungry, please visit our “I’m Not Eating That” Restaurant. Chicken nuggets, candy and ice cream come complimentary.
And don’t forget to stop by our “Pricey, But Made In China With Lead Paint Gift Shop” which is strategically placed by the exit so as to encourage your toddler’s need to howl and scream for more over priced cheaply made toys.
Thank you for visiting “Toddler Land”. We hope your stay is a pleasant one.
Taxes, title, insurance, therapy, aspirin, strait jackets extra.
Friday, February 18, 2011
In Case You Forgot….
Today I went to the store. My almost 3 year old likes to push the little kids cart around. He was doing great until we were almost through the checkout. He had a full blown screaming meltdown right there in the checkout lane. The baggers couldn’t get the groceries bagged fast enough. They reminded me of the pit crews at the Daytona 500.
His meltdown wasn’t over not getting any candy. It wasn’t over a toy. It even wasn’t over him wanting to leave. It was because he wanted to keep the little shopping cart and the fact that we were leaving the store. That’s right, he wanted to stay and he wanted to keep the cart.
That’s a new one.
Talking to him wouldn’t work, he was screaming too loud to hear me. I couldn’t get him to sit in my cart, so I looked apologetically to the cashier as I handed him my 20+ coupons. As I apologized to everyone between the gasps of air my son took, the cashier behind me was kind enough to say that he understood as he has a four year old. I appreciated that. At least I had one person not shooting daggers at me with their eyes.
My son wailed at the top of his lungs all the way to the car. Only when I told him I needed his help to put the heavy bags into the car did he stop. He’s my little helper and knowing that Mommy needs his help is enough to calm him down.
I later explained why we couldn’t keep the carts. He frowned as he wiped his tears and sniffled as I buckled him in. All was forgotten by the time we pulled out of the parking lot. Toddlers are definitely bipolar little individuals whose moods change faster than the weather around here.
So, if you ever miss those days of when your children were young, think back, if your brain hasn’t blocked it out by now, of the times like these and see if that longing for the good old days passes.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Was it a Stroke?
Though many people may be making fun of that reporter at the Grammy's who experienced a possible mini stroke on camera, let's use it as a lesson to learn more about the danger signs of a stroke and educate ourselves.
A stroke is a very serious condition and unfortunately is happening more and more to younger people.
Mini strokes, even though no lasting damage may occur are a definite warning sign and are to be taken very seriously.
I do hope Serene Branson seeks further treatment because even though she may appear fine today, that little episode could be a warning sign that something more severe could happen in the near future.
If you or someone you know ever experiences something like this, please take it very seriously and go to the hospital.
Remember, ultimately the only person responsible for your health is you. Not your doctor, not your spouse, you.
There are people who need you and the evidence of that is you are here and here for a reason. Don’t cheat them out of you.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Today's Deals
Here are some deals I found today. Check out the sidebar for more!
>Check out coupons.com for some really great coupons for products like Pillsbury, Ritz crackers, Kraft mac & cheese and many more!
>Buy any large photo book from Picaboo and receive a medium copy for FREE! Use the code FEBFM at checkout. Good till 2/22/11.
>Free Idiot’s Guide to Photoshop – Plus more samples available daily!
>Free $10 gift card from Target when you fill a new or transferred prescription – get coupon off of this past Sunday’s ad!
>Get a rare 55¢ off 2 dozen eggs (any brand!) by clicking here
>“Like” Oceanspray on Facebook and grab a free sample.
>Check out “Half Price Cincy’s Super Tuesdays" where you can grab super deals on local restaurants, stores and more! Check online for local deals in your area.
>Get FREE Photo calendars, t-shirt, note cards, business cards and more at VistaPrint
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday Freebies!
Some Free tips on getting free stuff:
> When you like a product, write or email the company and tell them you like their product and why (or tell them a way to improve the product!) Then ask if you could get on their mailing lists for coupons and free samples. Many companies do this and like the feedback.
> “Like” a company on Facebook and many will send you coupons for free or discounted products. Plus be the first to know about special deals.
> Combine coupons with sales and you will find you can score many items for free or nearly free!
> Follow money saving blogs (like this one!) and subscribe to them for the latest deals.
Now on to the Freebie list!
Please let us know if there are any links that are no longer working!
· FREE Eye Exam for Infants till one year old. See my article on The Infant See Program here.
· Free Fit Me Foundation sample
· Free sample of Cheez It.
· 2 free issues from Family Circle.
· Free sample of Redken for men.
· 100 Free Photo Prints at Tot Sites
• Free Stuff from Amazon (songs, books and more!)
· Free Info on Natural Vitamins, Biodegradable Cleaners and more!
· Free Quiz on if you are getting enough Vitamin D
· Free Trade Magazines
· FREE grocery coupons and more
· Free Local Grocery Store Coupons
· Free Money Management Info
· Free Samples of name brand products
· Earn FREE Rewards every time you surf the Net with Swagbucks here.
· Earn double the cash back on a different store every day at Ebates Ebates pays you to shop online and with tons of stores and all the major retailers, you are bound to find great deals on places you already shop, so you might as well get paid for it! Click Here to sign up for Ebates to receive this great deal!
More freebies courtesy of
NEW 2/9/11: FREE TACO FROM TACO BELL....if you simply friend them on Facebook!
NEW 2/9/11: FREE SAMPLE OF COVER GIRL MAKEUP....direct from Walmart
NEW 2/1/11: FREE ARBY'S MILKSHAKE: If you join their email club, no birthday required. CLICK HERE
Please let us know if there are any links that are no longer working!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Save 50% off Disney on Ice Tickets!
On certain marked packages on Kraft American Cheese Singles there is an offer to purchase Disney on Ice tickets for 50% off.
They must be redeemed before 5/31/11.
They may go fast so check out your grocery store to see of any of these specially marked packages of cheese are left.
A Lesson on Love
This simple message is, love someone, show them you love them and tell them you love them all you can, while you can.
To read the article and be reminded click here > Catch Up on Undone Love
Shovelin’ It In Like a Bulldozer

Why am I doing this? I asked myself while I was tearing through it like a hungry lion.
I never did hear the answer.
But why do we eat like that sometimes? Maybe I do it because of stress, maybe it’s hormones causing it, maybe I just love the taste of cake, I don’t know. I just don’t understand the triggers. If I knew what the triggers were, then maybe I could head off the binges before they start.
A short time later that delicious cake was sitting at the bottom of my stomach causing quite a stir with the rest of my digestive system. It felt like a pile of bricks. Ugh.
I wanted to throw up afterwards. I even briefly thought of making myself throw up in an effort to feel better, but I’m glad I didn’t go down that slippery slope.
Bulimia can become such an easy trap to fall in. Eat what you love, however much you want and then make yourself get sick later to keep the weight off. Starts off innocently enough that later turns into a full blown disorder, causing major health problems and untold psychological problems.
A little overeating of cake was not worth that.
Thank you God. Like a good parent, You intervened and convinced me that doing that wasn’t the right thing to do.
Guess I better get off of the computer and onto the stationary bike. Maybe a little sweat and sore muscles will help me remember not to fall face first into the cake pan the next time.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Save 50% off of FTD Flowers - Just In Time for Valentine's Day!
You can get $40 of flowers for $20 - that's a savings of 50%!
The times you can get this deal are only Wednesday, February 9 at 12:01am central time through Friday, February 11, 11:59 pm central time.
So if you were planning on ordering flowers for someone special, grab this deal first!
Quote: "When I Was a Child...."
~ Pablo Picasso
What we say to our children can have such an impact, can’t it? Whether it’s positive or negative, our comments can leave a mark.
Sometimes I forget that when I am in a hurry and trying to rush my son or I’m tired and cranky and I say something that I really shouldn’t have. I’m sure all parents have messed up a little from time to time and said things to their children that they later regret or worse, the child later in life brings up a moment when something hurtful was said to them.
I remember certain hurtful things said to me when I was a child. Though I may have also heard nice things, it’s the ones that hurt that tend to be remembered the most. Is there a memory you have tucked away where a parent may have said something hurtful to you? You can still feel the sting from it, can’t you?
I think as parents we have the ability to either build up our children or tear them down. That is such a huge power to have over someone! Think about it, what we say to our children and how we treat them can literally affect the rest of their lives. Though I have joked in the past and said things like, “I have to give him something to talk about in therapy later in life.” That kind of power to me can be very scary.
I worry sometimes over things I have said to my son in the past that may make him feel sad in the future. We think when our children are very young they won’t remember, but children have amazing memories and the ones that have the most emotion tied to them, either positive or negative, are the memories they remember the most.
This quote from Picasso helps me to remember to be very careful what I say to my son and how my words can have such an impact on his entire life.
This is an enormous responsibility, one I will take more seriously now.
Picasso’s mother is a wonderful example on how a parent can encourage their children to be anything they want to be.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Quote: Serving Leftovers
~ Calvin Trillin
I thought this quote was hilarious.
I remember eating very few left overs in our house growing up. Having six older brothers meant my mom would cook a big feast with desert, but there were very few left overs.
Me on the other hand tend to make bigger meals and freeze the left overs for another time. It’s cheaper and easier to make a bunch all at once and freeze the extra for those nights I just don’t feel like cooking.
And I have noticed that those nights where I don't feel like cooking seem to be coming more often.
I remember though on more than one occasion when I told my husband that we were having left overs tonight, he would ask me, “Leftovers from what?” We could never remember when the original meal was. Usually I just pull out something from the back of the freezer and serve that up.
I figure if I pull from the back first, then that’s the oldest. Sometimes I take the time to date the container and mark what it is and other times I don’t. So when I am serving left overs it’s more like mystery meal night – You know you’re getting a salad and veggie, but the main meal remains a mystery till defrosted.
It’s just my way of adding a little excitement to a meal.
Ever go to a restaurant and wonder how they make your favorite dish? Well, Recipe Lion has some of those restaurant recipes! Check them out here > 33 Secret Restaurant Copycat Recipes: Volume III Click Here
Monday, February 7, 2011
Money Savings Tips (Add Your Own!)
Sharing ways to save money with others is a great way to spread the wealth so to speak and learn of ways you may have not thought of.
Here are just a few ways we save around here.
You can ask me for more details on them if you want.
Please share with us your own money saving strategies.
No matter how big or how small it all adds up!
· Combining coupons with sale prices -
I’ve written articles before on how we save money by combining coupons with sale prices at groceries to maximize your savings. Though there are people who are much better at it than I am we were able to save about 40% off our grocery bill this past year. If I told you I was going to give you cash back up to 40% of your grocery bill if you would be willing to spend just a couple hours a week to get that money, would you do it? Sure, most people would and that is what maximizing your savings can do, but it does it before you spend your money!
· Hanging clothes to dry instead of just throwing everything in the dryer -
You may think you don’t have time for that but if it saved you a ton of money would you be able to find the time? And it really doesn’t take all that much more time. I wish I could figure an exact dollar amount it saves, but that might be hard to pin down. This winter to date we have yet to have an electric bill over $200. Most people with a house like ours can’t say that. One huge expense is the dryer. It not only drives up your electric bill, it makes your clothes wear out faster, too! This causes you to buy clothes more often costing you even more money! Worried about stiff clothes? Mine aren’t. You can still soften them in the dryer for just a minute.
· Shopping out of season -
I have been going to stores lately when I get the chance and buying up next year’s winters clothes for pennies on the dollar. Example – I bought my son a brand new winter coat for next year for $10. The price tag said $79.99. I got it so cheap because it was missing the snow pants and it’s end of season for retailers. You may be thinking Spring when you see all the cute shorts and tops out now, but to save money think next winter!
· Rarely buying new -
Cars aren’t the only thing you should never buy new. There are so many things you can buy used that are in great shape. Clothes, electronics, exercise equipment, books and other media and more can all be bought used. You can save literally thousands of dollars. Why pay more for things when you don’t have to? If you insist on buying new, just be sure to check around on the Internet for the best price and wait, wait and wait some more for sales. Most brick and mortar stores will price match if you can bring in written proof or a flyer of their competitor’s sale, too.
What are some ways you save money?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sick Kids Still Know How to Have Fun
Listening to kids shows theme songs is really cruel and unusual punishment for a sleep deprived mom.
Kids though always seem to find ways to still be kids.
Though my 2 year old is sick, he was able to still enjoy a short stint of destructiveness. Nothing like making a mess to take your mind off of your upset tummy.
My toddler, finding the de-icing salt we use on the outside steps, that my husband conveniently left by the door, and sprinkling it on the carpet was certainly the highlight of his day. Seeing it being ground into the hardwood floor was mine.
Compared to the diarrhea mess I’ve been cleaning up lately however, I was grateful that only the vacuum was required. Though I’m sure vacuuming up rock salt is not on the vacuum manufacturer’s approved list of debris.
At least it didn’t require the use of a whole roll of paper towels.
2 Year Old vs. Stomach Bug
“Welcome to the future of preschool fun” another mom told me when I warned her to stay away from our house – my 2 year old son has a stomach bug.
Uncontrollable diarrhea has been buddying up to him for the past 24 hours. Poor little guy. He knows he shouldn’t mess in his pants and gets so upset when I discover it. He sadly asks me, “Mama mad?” I try and assure him that no, I’m not mad and I know he can’t help it.
Still, he can’t help but notice my grimacing face as I try and wipe up the trail of mess leading into the bathroom and rinse out soiled clothes. I try and smile like moms do to show him it’s OK and hug him in the way only a mom can do, even if it means I have to change my clothes afterwards, too.
I just love having more laundry to do.
I have washed my hands so many times, I no longer have any fingerprints left. I could rob a bank and not bother wearing gloves, but I’m sure DNA would still be left behind from all the splits my dried out fingers have them on them.
My mind drifts back to the places we visited to determine the guilty place. Was it the fun toddler time at the church we went to? Fifty kids running around sharing toys and germs sounds like a probable cause. I knew I should have went with my first thought – duct tape his gloves to his hands.
Oh well, too late now.
Or was it the different preschools we visited? If so, this must be what I have to look forward to this fall. I just lost all my enthusiasm for my son going to school.
Calling the pediatrician’s office to see if there is any toddler version of Imodium I can give him just confirmed my suspicion that this is just something I have to let run its course. Good thing they decided to make Pedialyte taste good and that I picked some up a few months back when I saw it on sale.
The nurse sounded like a robot as she explained that there’s not much I can do but keep him hydrated. I guess a person can start to sound that way after saying the same thing to different parents over and over and over again. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if she talked like that when she got home out of habit. I was just about to ask her when I saw my son streak by me on his way to the bathroom leaving a vapor trail behind him.
Hanging up the phone and grabbing the thinning roll of paper towels, I suddenly realized I am now in the dirty trenches of motherhood. Though I try and be eco minded and not overuse paper towels, I was just daring anyone to mention how many trees sacrificed their lives for that roll of paper towels I was speeding through. Not that there were any Greenpeace members in the bathroom with me.
Yes, I have wash rags and I am using them on his little behind, but I only have about 15 of them. Not nearly enough to get us through the day.
I briefly thought back to times before paper towels and running water. I shuddered and went back to the cleanup in Aisle 5.
My husband called before cleanup was finished, of course. He stated it’s good he is getting exposed to germs and building up his immune system now and I agreed, but I had a hard time ignoring the, “Gee, I’m grateful I have to go work out in the cold and snow” tone I could hear in his voice. And I tried not to sound irritated when he told me had to stop at the auto parts store on his way home.
That’s OK, his time is coming. I have to go to the store and get more Pedialyte and of course I can’t take my son with me! And we all know kids get sicker at night. I feel a slight smile creep across my face as I hang up.
We are so rarely sick around here we just don’t have the experience that other families with school age children have. I’m not sure what lies ahead, but I’m hopeful we’ll get through it as long as the paper towels hold out. Sorry trees.