I had a gift certificate worth $25 and was looking forward to using it. After a very stressful week we finally were able to get some time and a sitter to have a very rare date night.
We had never been to Rohrer's Tavern. I was looking forward to trying their seafood.
I had asked a couple of people if they had ever been there. They said yes. I asked if they liked it, they said it was OK. They didn't have anything else to say about it, so I was skeptical of how it would be, but was hopeful.
Well, it a nutshell - we will never go back.
The waitress was nice and brought us our drink order quickly, but when we were ready to order she was nowhere to be found. After several minutes, I flagged down another waitress who took our order, but didn't seem too happy that she had to. We later noticed our waitress was filling in at the bar and we could only assume she forgot about us.
We did receive our food in relatively short order and it was OK, what little we ate of it. You see, the entire time we were there they had a drunk man sitting at the bar right behind us yelling very vulgar remarks at another patron. Instead of management telling him to stop or to leave, they just kept serving him drinks. There were children in this restaurant and you could see how uncomfortable other customers were with the language this man was screaming at the top of his lungs.
I can take cussing, but I was very upset at having to listen to something very vulgar, very loud, over and over and over again.
If I hadn't been so stressed I would have told that guy to shut up and if he didn't, I would tell management, "Either he goes or we go!" Instead though we just asked for a box for our food and explained to the waitress why were leaving. We were both concerned if we confronted the man and he became obnoxious that a fight would ensue. Neither one of us were in the mood to tolerate such behavior and knew it was best to just leave.
They also wouldn't take our gift certificate. We didn't spend the required $35. I should have insisted that they accept it or we were not going to pay, but I just wanted to get out of there. I yelled at the guy who was being vulgar and thanked him for ruining our dinner.
The manager came to see us on our way out. I told her that I was under the impression that this was a family restaurant and asked why would she and her staff put up with that. She had the nerve to say she didn't hear him say it but just a few times. Just a few times?!! I told her she obviously would much rather have that kind of patron than us in her restaurant and we left.
In hindsight, we should have handled it better on our end, we were just so stressed out and wore out from the hard week, neither one of us felt like a confrontation. When you are that tired you tend to lose your temper easily and we didn't want to do that.
We did pay our bill, but looking back on it I wished we hadn't. We ended up not taking the food.
I still have that gift certificate for $25 that I will mail to anyone if you want to see how you like the place. Maybe you will have better luck than we did or maybe management learned a very valuable lesson.
As for us, we will never go back. Just my opinion.
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