If you are NOT like the person mentioned above and you want to come hang out with someone who isn’t a Supermom either, then you’ve come to the right place.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cyber Monday Deals!
Be sure to check out Amazon's Cyber Monday Deals here and all your favorite online retailers for great deals today!
Great Amazon Deals for Cyber Monday
Walgreens – Spend $75 get $15 off Plus Free Shipping
Ebates is offer double cash back today only
WalMart’s Cyber Monday Online Specials
Toys R US/ Babies R Us Coupons from 11/29 – 12/4
*Below are coupons for Playschool & Hasbro. Combine these with sale prices in stores and you are bound to get a good deal. Plus you can print great grocery coupons as well!
$3 off Playskool Lullaby Glowork
$5 off Playskool Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase
$5 off Mr. Potato Head Spud Buds
$2 off Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head
$5 off Playskool Step Start Walk & Ride
$5 off Playskool Busy Ball Poppper
$3 off Playskool Talking Sid The Science Kid Plush Toy
$5 off your $20 My Little Pony purchase
$5 off Playskool Activity Ball
$10 off DinoRoars Stompers
$5 off DinoRoars Hatchlings
$5 off Playskool Swing & Score Baseball toy
$10 off Playskool Dance Cam
$10 Musical Sit & Spin Toy
$5 off Playskool Tumble & Twirl Top
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Black Friday Deals
Check out this blog, Couponing To Disney for this very long list of where to find the best deal on the specific item you are looking for or see the different lists below.
Hit CTRL+F to find the item you seek or just scroll through the list.
Black Friday Deals on Toys
Black Friday Deals on Electronics
Black Friday deals on DVDs and DVD Players
Black Friday Deals on Video Games and Systems
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1,213,000 Cribs Recalled – Stork Craft & Fisher Price Brands
Many groups have tried unsuccessfully to have these types of cribs, with the sliding down sides banned due to the possibility of this happening. It is recommended that you not buy these types of cribs at all. As always, when shopping for a crib, do a lot of research. Look up recalls, read consumer safety reviews, talk to your pediatrician and talk to other parents on what they like and what they don’t like.
Regardless of what type of crib you use, take the time to inspect it to make sure there isn’t a possible problem that could emerge causing a dangerous scenario while your little angel sleeps.
Our hearts go out to those parents who have lost their little ones.
You can find more information on this recall at the CPSC’s website: Here
What Does Black Friday Mean To You?

Does Black Friday fill you with giddy excitement or the feeling of dread worse than having dental work done without anesthesia?
When did we all start calling the Friday after Thanksgiving "Black Friday" anyway?
Whether you love it or hate it, tell me what you think.
Here are some questions to think about.
Are you one of the brave ones that go out on the craziest day of the year to find the best bargains? Are you a newbie at this or an old veteran? Do you go alone or do you bring reinforcements, i.e. mother, sister, friend, spouse? In other words, do you hunt alone or in packs? You don’t bring your kids with you, do you? Or do you?
Do you brave the cold temperatures and bad weather that often times accompanies this shopping frenzy day, leaving your coat behind because it will just slow you down? Do you charge ahead fearing not the lunacy of what can occur – the fender benders in parking lots, endlessly circling for a parking spot, wrestling your way through the crowds hoping there is still one left of the item you seek, waiting in long lines at the checkout and daring that bigger, stronger woman to just try and cut in line in front of you?
So tell me, does this day bring out the best in people do you think or does it just show their worst side? What side does it bring out in you? How do you prepare yourself for this day? Do you arm yourself with the latest weapons? No, I'm not talking about strapping on an actual firearm. Besides, ammo is hard to come by these days. I'm talking about arming yourself with survival gear - food, water, sales ads.
I can assure you, retail workers dread this day like no other. Yes, the stores’ CEO’s and accountants love it, but I bet they never had to work that day in one of their stores or any day for that matter.
I remember the years I worked retail. I remember spending two weeks ahead of time trying to get everything ready for the big day. I remember having to get to the store at 4:00 AM so we could open at 5:00 and seeing customers already starting to line up. I remember all us workers saying, “They must be freakin’ nuts!”
One time, when I was young, stupid and had more energy, I let my best friend drag me out on a Black Friday to go shopping. That was after I had worked 10 hours already in the store. I kept saying, “No, never, forget it!” I kept repeating those words all the way to the car as she was dragging me by the coat sleeve. With the promise of a free meal and she would do all the driving, I found myself riding along in her car, circling a Wal-Mart parking lot like the rest of the vultures slowing gliding around, waiting to swoop in on the slightest glimpse of backup lights. I have to admit we had a good time, but again we were young and stupid. The alcohol afterwards at the restaurant definitely helped I’d say.
Yes, the deals are great, but after having worked enough of the Fridays after Thanksgiving, no deal, not even free would make me ever want to go out and shop that day again. And you know how I love free and great deals. I just love my life and my sanity more! Some of those shoppers are scary. Not to mention my own bad temper.
With the economy as bad as it is, retailers are sure counting on this day to boost up lagging sales. And the bargains they are offering sound mighty tempting, but saving $10 here or $20 or even more there on the few items I need just isn’t worth it to me. I know my inner deal loving person is gasping in horror at missing these deals, but the rational side of me just can’t bring myself to go out into the feeding frenzy. I guess I would rather be dropped into the ocean with raw, bloody meat to feed the nice sharks then brave the scary women (and some men) vying for that last item on a shelf for 50% off.
So please, share with me your best or worst Black Friday stories. Let’s all laugh (or cry) together.
If you do venture out this year, stay safe and try to be courteous to one another. Remember, it’s just money. Nothing is so valuable it’s worth losing your cool over. That is except those who cut in line. I hate line jumpers! Just remember though, many states now have the concealed carry law!
Happy shopping and let the games begin!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Get 50 Photo Prints for $5 at Walgreens
Use coupon code: LEFTOVERS at checkout through Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dr. Sears On H1N1 Myths
Dr. Sears, one of the nation's leading and most popular pediatrician, has released his article on H1N1 fears called, "Dr. Jim's H1N1 Myth's Explained".
Here are some of the questions he answers:
- Should we worry about H1N1? How bad is it really?
- Are flu vaccines going to be mandatory?
- How do we know the vaccine is safe?
- Does the vaccine contain adjuvants and/or mercury? What is an adjuvant anyway?
I, like him was skeptical of the new vaccine. He now promotes it. I still have my reservations.
Like a lot of parents, I'm just not sure what is the best thing to do.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Top Fuel Trivia
Here are some interesting tidbits about Top Fuel. Impressive to say the least. The info is a few years old, but is still relevant as they make even more power today! I would love to drive one, just once. Once is all my body probably could stand! I doubt my body could handle the negative G's when the parachutes at the far end deploy! Still, it would be a thrill of a lifetime.
One top fuel dragster 500 cubic inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower than the first 4 rows of stock cars at the Daytona 500.
It takes just 15/100ths of a second for all 6,000+ horsepower of an NHRA Top Fuel dragster engine to reach the rear wheels.
Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 1-1/2 gallons of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced.
A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to drive the dragster's supercharger.
With 3,000 CFM of air being rammed in by the supercharger on overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into a near-solid form before ignition.
Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock at full throttle.
At the stoichiometric (stoichiometry: methodology and technology by which quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions are determined) 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture of nitro methane, the flame front temperature measures 7,050 deg F.
Nitro methane burns yellow... The spectacular white flame seen above the stacks at night is raw burning hydrogen, dissociated from atmospheric water vapor by the searing exhaust gases.
Dual magnetos supply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is the output of an arc welder in each cylinder.
Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass. After halfway, the engine is dieseling from compression, plus the glow of exhaust valves at 1,400 deg F. The engine can only be shut down by cutting the fuel flow.
If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up in the affected cylinders and then explodes with sufficient force to blow cylinder heads off the block in pieces or split the block in half.
In order to exceed 300 mph in 4.5 seconds, dragsters must accelerate an average of over 4G's. In order to reach 200 mph (well before half-track), the launch acceleration approaches 8G's.
Dragsters reach over 300 miles per hour before you have completed reading this sentence.
Top fuel engines turn approximately 540 revolutions from light to light! Including the burnout, the engine must only survive 900 revolutions under load.
The redline is actually quite high at 9,500 rpm.
Assuming all the equipment is paid off, the crew worked for free, and for once NOTHING BLOWS UP, each run costs an estimate $1,000.00 per second.
(My note: It is said the average cost to operate a top fuel car, paying for crew, equipment, fuel, etc. is approximately $10,000 a pass. That is why it takes about $2 million dollars a year to have a competitve car!)
An example of a top fuel dragster elapsed time is 4.428 seconds for the quarter mile (11/12/06, Tony Schumacher, at Pomona , CA ). An example of top speed record is 336.15 mph as measured over the last 66' of the run (05/25/05 Tony Schumacher, at Hebron , OH ).
Putting all of this into perspective:
You are driving the average $140,000 Lingenfelter 'twin-turbo' powered Corvette Z06. Over a mile up the road, a top fuel dragster is staged and ready to launch down a quarter mile strip as you pass. You have the advantage of a flying start. You run the 'Vette hard up through the gears and blast across the starting line and pass the dragster at an honest 200 mph. The 'tree' goes green for both of you at that moment.
The dragster launches and starts after you. You keep your foot down hard, but you hear an incredibly brutal whine that sears your eardrums and within 3 seconds, the dragster catches and passes you. He beats you to the finish line, a quarter mile away from where you just passed him.
Think about it, from a standing start, the dragster had spotted you 200 mph and not only caught, but nearly blasted you off the road when he passed you within a mere 1,320 foot long race course.
Makes you want to drive one, doesn't it? I know I would love to!
Friday, November 20, 2009
More Great Deals!
JCPenney $10 off $10 Purchase!
Just use code GR8VALUE to get $10 off a $10 purchase at JCPenney.com. This code is valid until November 23. You can also select in-store shipping and pay $4.50.
(2) FREE Hasbro Card Games @ Kroger & Target This Week!
Inside the USA Weekend magazine insert in your Sunday paper on page (3) is a Buy1Get1FREE coupon for Hasbro Card Games. Pair this coupon with the current Buy1Get1FREE sale at Kroger this week or with the printable Buy1Get1FREE Target store coupon, and you've got (2) great stocking stuffers for FREE!
Thanks New Frugal Mom!
WET Ones $1.50 Coupon!
Click here and take the pledge to stop the spread of germs during cold & flu season and you will be able to print out a $1.50 coupon.
Thanks Moms Need To Know!
Campbell's Coupons!
Check out the Campbell's Kitchen Coupons and see if there are any you can print to help save money on your grocery shopping. You'll find a wide variety of Campbell's products including their soup, V-8, Pepperidge Farm. These are "bricks" coupons so you can print two of each coupon.
Thanks Freebies 4 Mom!
Free Breakfast at IKEA 11/27-11/29
IKEA will be offering a free small breakfast plus coffee on November 27th through November 29th until 10:30 AM. Limit one per person. Offer is not valid at IKEA Hicksville, IKEA Houston or IKEA Direct.
Thanks Freebie Blogger!
Friday Freebies
FREE Eye Exam for infants See my story on this program here: Infant See article
FREE Always Infinity Sample
FREE Pampers Extra Protection Sample
FREE Huggies Little Movers Diaper Sample
FREE Grocery Coupons
FREE Dr. Seuss Books
FREE 25 Songs
FREE Name Brand Samples
Coupons.com - Free Grocery Coupons! - Why Wait for the Sunday Paper? Print Free Coupons Anytime
FREE 2 Issues of Family Circle Magazine
FREE Oil Change from Tires Plus coupon
FREE Birthday Freebies from Red Plum – click to find what you can get for FREE on your birthday!
FREE Tylenol calendar with coupons!
FREE Thanksgiving Recipes
Quality Health - Diabetic Testing Supply Samples - Qualify to receive a FREE FreeStyle blood glucose meter.
Quality Health - Free Diabetes Books - How Much Do You Know About Diabetes? Learn more with Free Books to Manage your Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes. A $60 Value!
Free Recipes - Hearty Crock Pot Recipes - Free eCookbook: 33 Hearty Slow Cooker Recipes featuring 50 pages of quick and easy recipes.
Free Crafts - Angel Crafts - Free eBook: Angel Crafts eBook featuring 45-pages of cheap and easy angel crafts.
Free Crafts - Newsletter Subscription - Subscribe to FaveCrafts Free Quick & Crafty e-mail newsletter and enjoy new craft projects, tips and videos. Bonus: Free 95-page "Creative Crafting All Year Round Holiday" eBook.
Cheerios Sample - Choose the Better Cereal & get 2 Boxes of Your Favorite!
Free Travel Guides - Free Travel Guides and Brochures - Browse destinations, pick travel guides that you'd like, receive guides Free by mail or download.
Free Recipes - Restaurant Copycat Recipes - Free eCookbook: 27 Secret Restaurant Copycat Recipes featuring46-pages of quick and easy recipes from your favorite restaurants.
Free Fall Samples - Sign up now to make the most out of the Fall Season with Samples & Savings on Name Brand Products
eBay for Dummies - Make Money on Ebay today! Get your Free Success Kit.
Planning Family - Free Baby Samples - Baby on the way? Get free baby samples and coupons.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Powerful Breakthrough Product in Immune System Science!
A patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. When used daily, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system. It works at the cellular level, by rapidly activating your immune system’s defenses*
- Exclusive patented formula providing our highest level of daily immune protection*
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- Contains MACH*, a patented blend of interferon-boosting plant extracts (500 mg) and a Shaklee exclusive.
This proprietary blend of natural plant extracts is derived from pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds, and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds, which have been clinically proven to support and stimulate the natural immune response process at the cellular level.*
Created by the Discoverer of Interferon World-renowned immunologist Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima first discovered interferon in 1954, while he was conducting research at Tokyo University. After 40 years of painstaking research, testing hundreds of natural compounds, he developed a unique blend of four powerful plant extracts that boosts the body’s natural production of interferon.*
Naturally Increases Levels of Interferon*
Scientists and medical communities have identified interferon as critical to healthy immune function. It is the only dietary supplement in the U.S. created by the discoverer of interferon that naturally increases the production of interferon in the body.*
Proven by Four Human Clinical Studies. This potent-yet-safe phytonutrient blend provides immune support right at the cellular level. Studies have shown the extraordinary health and immune protection benefits of our interferon product proprietary blend of four plant extracts.*
Exclusive Patented Formulas available only through Shaklee. This unique patented formula is a Shaklee exclusive. A powerfully effective supplement, it has exceeded a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and performance.
For more information on this product click on:
InterferonHuman Clinical Studies
1. Ushiroyama T, Yoshida S, Tadaki K, Ikeda A, Ueki M. Clinical efficacy of EH0202, a Kampo formula, on the health of middle-aged women. Am J Chin Med. 2004; 32(5):755-770.2. Ushiroyama T, Yoshida S, Tadaki K, Ikeda A, Ueki M. A pilot study of a Kampo formula, EH0202, with intriguing results for menopausal symptoms. J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Apr; 10(2):397-399.3. Kaji K, Yoshida S, Nagata N, Yamashita T, Mizukoshi E, Honda M, Kojima Y, Kaneko S. An open-label study of administration of EH0202, a health-food additive, to patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep; 39 (9):873-878.4. Kubo M, Hashimoto Y, Yoshida S. The effect of health food containing EH0202 on physical and mental symptoms accompanying menstruation in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Clin Pharm Ther. 2004; 14(2):129-142
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Guest Post - Making Homework Easier
"Here is a wonderful guest post for those of you who have school age children.
I hope I remember these tips when it's time for my son to start school!"
Making Homework Easier
by Jill Savage
"Mom, can you help me with my math?" "Mom, I need a binder for a project at school." "Mom, do we have any index cards? I need some to study for my test." These questions are just some of the requests that come from my kids, who are in all ages and stages of school. Whether it's elementary school, junior high, high school, or college, students need a wide array of supplies at their fingertips and an environment that encourages good study habits.
After dozens of trips to the store for a different item each week, I finally decided to change my strategy by creating a "homework center" at home. A trip to the office supply store produced a four-drawer plastic cabinet that now sits in the corner of the kitchen. Its drawers are filled with binders, folders, page protectors, index cards, loose-leaf paper, spiral notebooks, report covers, pens, pencils, and any other school supply the kids might need. A shoe box size plastic container sits on top of the cabinet. It's filled with pens, pencils, a ruler, compass, protractor, glue stick, erasers and a variety of colored pencils, markers and crayons.
The "homework station" is our own "school supply store" at home. Well stocked with school supplies they will need to replace throughout the year, it also has common supplies they will need from time to time for special projects. The small "homework box" is brought to the kitchen table each afternoon to provide easy access to the basic items they need to complete their homework.
I honestly don't know why I didn't think of this many years ago when our oldest children were in grade school. It has made our after-school routine so much easier!
Much of parenting is setting routines in place, and homework is no exception. Our kids need guidance in establishing academic routines that work and accountability to stay true to the routine. Good study habits are developed when homework routines are followed. Our kids also need an environment that encourages good study habits. They need a place to spread out their work, good lighting in the room, and the supplies they'll need to complete whatever homework assignment or project they're working on.
Kids need one more thing to be successful learners: parents who care. They need to know that we are engaged in their lives, we're connected to their learning environment, and we are committed to help make learning a priority.
As I've become much more intentional about creating a positive learning environment at home, here are some of the strategies I've come to value:
- Attend school orientation meetings at the beginning of the school year. This connects you to the teachers and your child's learning environment.
- Take advantage of online homework and textbooks the school might offer. If grades are posted online, check frequently to stay in tune with your child's progress and/or struggles.
- Communicate with teachers early in the year via e-mail. Introduce yourself and make a connection to establish a relationship. Check in occasionally to see how your child is doing.
- Communicate with the teacher(s) if your child is struggling. Work together to set strategies and establish accountability.
- Communicate with the teacher(s) if something is happening emotionally at home. If a family member is managing a long-term or critical illness or if separation or divorce are realities in the home environment, alert teachers so they can better understand why a child might be distracted from school work.
- Determine a homework routine that works for your child and your family.
- Talk with your child about where he can or cannot do homework. A desk or the kitchen table is an ideal place. Sitting in front of the television is not.
- Put limits on computer access. If your children are working on homework on the computer, can they be Instant Messaging at the same time? Establish technology boundaries that prioritize school work.
- Never do your child's homework. Learn to ask questions to help your kids get to the right answer rather than giving them the right answer.
- Become familiar with tutoring assistance that is available through the school or in the community.
Don't hesitate to get your child outside help if she consistently struggles with a subject.
Good homework habits create self-discipline and responsibility in a child.
These childhood routines will pay off someday when our children become adults who work a job, pay taxes and manage their money and resources.
About the Author:
Jill Savage is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging moms. She is the author of six books including Professionalizing Motherhood, My Hearts At Home, and her most recent release Real Moms...Real Jesus. Featured on Focus on the Family, Today's Christian Woman magazine, and Family Life Today, Jill is the founder and director of Hearts at Home, an organization that encourages and educates moms. Jill and her husband, Mark, have five children, three who are married. They make their home in Normal, Illinois.
To read more from Jill, visit her website.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday Freebies
FREE Eye Exam for infants See my story on this program here: Infant See article
FREE Grocery Coupons
FREE Dr. Seuss Books
FREE 25 Songs
FREE Name Brand Samples
Coupons.com - Free Grocery Coupons! - Why Wait for the Sunday Paper? Print Free Coupons Anytime
FREE 2 Issues of Family Circle Magazine
FREE Oil Change from Tires Plus coupon
FREE Birthday Freebies from Red Plum – click to find what you can get for FREE on your birthday!
FREE Tylenol calendar with coupons!
FREE Thanksgiving Recipes
Quality Health - Diabetic Testing Supply Samples - Qualify to receive a FREE FreeStyle blood glucose meter.
Quality Health - Free Diabetes Books - How Much Do You Know About Diabetes? Learn more with Free Books to Manage your Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes. A $60 Value!
Free Recipes - Hearty Crock Pot Recipes - Free eCookbook: 33 Hearty Slow Cooker Recipes featuring 50 pages of quick and easy recipes.
Free Crafts - Angel Crafts - Free eBook: Angel Crafts eBook featuring 45-pages of cheap and easy angel crafts.
Free Crafts - Newsletter Subscription - Subscribe to FaveCrafts Free Quick & Crafty e-mail newsletter and enjoy new craft projects, tips and videos. Bonus: Free 95-page "Creative Crafting All Year Round Holiday" eBook.
Cheerios Sample - Choose the Better Cereal & get 2 Boxes of Your Favorite!
Free Travel Guides - Free Travel Guides and Brochures - Browse destinations, pick travel guides that you'd like, receive guides Free by mail or download.
Free Recipes - Restaurant Copycat Recipes - Free eCookbook: 27 Secret Restaurant Copycat Recipes featuring46-pages of quick and easy recipes from your favorite restaurants.
Free Fall Samples - Sign up now to make the most out of the Fall Season with Samples & Savings on Name Brand Products
eBay for Dummies - Make Money on Ebay today! Get your Free Success Kit.
Planning Family - Free Baby Samples - Baby on the way? Get free baby samples and coupons.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Great Offers for Diabetics
If you or someone you love suffers from Diabetes, you could qualify to receive Supplies, Recipe eBooks for Diabetics, and so much more.
Fill out a short survey to see if you qualify. Great Offers for Diabetics
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You Veterans

More Free Veterans Day Meals
Here are a couple more free meals for veterans today to add to the list I had yesterday - Veterans Day Freebies.
Remember to ask about a military special or discount wherever you go to today.
Thompson Plumbing, Heating and Cooling is holding a Veterans Day breakfast Wednesday morning starting at 7 a.m. The breakfast will be held at the company's headquarters at 6 North Commerce Park Drive in Cincinnati.
Paxton's Grill in Loveland is offering a free meal to veterans on Wednesday. Veterans can get their free meal from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the restaurant, which is at 126 West Loveland Ave. Call 513-583-1717 for more details.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Veteran’s Day Freebies
If you are a veteran, bring your military ID with you to cash in on these freebies just for you!
If there is a restaurant you would like to eat at that’s not listed below – just ask the restaurant manager if they are offering a military discount for the day!
Home Depot is offering a 10% discount until November 11.
Uno’s is offering a FREE Entree or Pizza with an Entree purchase.
FREE Bloomin’ Onion and Beverage at Outback.
Receive a FREE Entree at Applebees!
Thanks to MommySnacks!
Cincinnati Museum Center is offering free admission to veterans
Free Car Wash for Veterans on Veteran's Day
Lowe's is offering a 10% discount as well.
Golden Corral. The 485-unit chain is offering free buffet meals - including beverage and dessert - to current military and vets on Nov. 16, from 5 to 9 p.m.
Remember to ask at any restaurant if they offer a military discount and remember to bring your military ID!
Is Your Pride For Your Kids Putting Them In Danger?
You’ve seen them. The mini vans that have stickers with the kids’ names, their school name and the picture of what sport they play on the back window. The parents are just showing their pride, right? Well, they are also advertising to child predators and would be kidnappers not only where their kids attend school and what sport they play, but they are telling them their names!
I cringe whenever I see these stickers on the back of cars as I know the danger. I don’t understand why parents don’t get this. I don’t know how or why this trend to advertise your kid got started or why someone didn’t raise this concern before it became popular. It is so easy to track your kids and their schedules with this information. When you advertise the fact that your kid plays soccer or any other sport at a particular school along with his name you are allowing a smart predator enough information to start tracking your family. These bad guys then can pull up to you at a light and see what the kids look like. They then will start going to games, hang out at the school, follow you home and keeping track of your schedule. They can easily blend in with other parents at events and get more information just by mentioning your child’s name and asking innocent questions. Yes, they can do all these things without the advertisement on the back of your car, but why give them more information to work with?
What can you do to protect your child? You can start by taking down your window stickers and start talking to other parents at games and school events about the risks. Ask to meet with school officials and coaches about stopping the distribution of these advertisements. Work with them about educating the parents on the dangers of these types of advertisements. Ask your local law enforcement if they would be willing to come to a school event and do a short talk on ways to keep your kids safe from predators and address the dangers of advertising your kids. Ban together with other parents and agree not to talk about each other’s kids to people they don’t know well. This will help prevent the predators from getting more information in an effort to find out more about a child. And of course, teach your children about the possible dangers and how to protect themselves.
We all love our kids and want to protect them. Show your pride to your child directly, not to the rest of the world. You protect your own identity from ID theft, you need to protect your child’s identity even more. Their very lives could depend on it.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday Freebies
FREE Eye Exam for infants See my story on this program here: Infant See article
FREE Samples
FREE Grocery Coupons
FREE Dr. Seuss Books
FREE 25 Songs
FREE Name Brand Samples
Coupons.com - Free Grocery Coupons! - Why Wait for the Sunday Paper? Print Free Coupons Anytime
FREE 2 Issues of Family Circle Magazine
FREE Oil Change from Tires Plus coupon
FREE Birthday Freebies from Red Plum – click to find what you can get for FREE on your birthday!
FREE Tylenol calendar with coupons!
FREE Thanksgiving Recipes
Quality Health - Fall Samples - Sign up now to make the most out of the Fall Season with Samples & Savings on Name Brand Products
Quality Health - Diabetic Testing Supply Samples - Qualify to receive a FREE FreeStyle blood glucose meter.
Quality Health - Free Diabetes Books - How Much Do You Know About Diabetes? Learn more with Free Books to Manage your Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes. A $60 Value!
Free Recipes - Hearty Crock Pot Recipes - Free eCookbook: 33 Hearty Slow Cooker Recipes featuring 50 pages of quick and easy recipes.
Free Crafts - Angel Crafts - Free eBook: Angel Crafts eBook featuring 45-pages of cheap and easy angel crafts.
Cheerios Sample - Choose the Better Cereal & get 2 Boxes of Your Favorite!
Free Travel Guides - Free Travel Guides and Brochures - Browse destinations, pick travel guides that you'd like, receive guides Free by mail or download.
Free Recipes - Restaurant Copycat Recipes - Free eCookbook: 27 Secret Restaurant Copycat Recipes featuring46-pages of quick and easy recipes from your favorite restaurants.
Planning Family - Free Baby Samples - Baby on the way? Get free baby samples and coupons.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Racing Junk To Give Away Snap-On Tool Cabinet
This would make a great Christmas gift!
Click on picture below to enter. Good luck!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
NHRA & ESPN to show a 10 event Pro Mod Drag Racing
You can see the article here: http://www.promodchallenge.com/index.php/news/17-las-vegas-news/199-nhra-announcement
According to Pro Mod Challenge, there will be 10 half-hour segments airing on ESPN2 in 2010 on a tape delayed basis.
Since they will only be 30 minutes, half of those will probably be pre-empted by other sports running into overtime. Nothing against other sports, but I really hate it when I set to record or sit down to watch racing, only to have it not on yet and then shortened to make up the time because the previous sports event ran into overtime. That is the problem when ESPN chooses to show your sport of choice as tape delayed (which I can understand) but choosing to show live other sports that can go longer than expected. To prevent this they should show all sports as tape delayed and take out the fluff of people talking giving their personal take on the game or whatever. When you are waiting for your sports event to come on, you find yourself shouting at those commentators, “Who cares what you think!!!!! Just show my racing! #@$#%”
I also wish ESPN would show other drag racing venues other than just NHRA big races. Sportsman racing, class racing, special events and even bigger bracket races can be just as much fun to watch.
As you can probably tell, I am not very fond of ESPN’s coverage of drag racing.
Take control of your health before it takes control of you–and your finances
Read below for five tips to retaining a normal blood sugar level
1) Achieve a healthy weight
In a properly functioning body, insulin, a hormone made by your pancreas, helps transport glucose into the cells of the body so it can be use for energy. However, in overweight individuals, cells of the body can become resistant to insulin's action. One of the best ways to retain normal blood sugar levels is to achieve a healthy weight. Try our Weight Loss Plan, an effective and clinically tested† program powered by leucine, an amino acid that helps preserve your muscle while you lose body fat.
2) Eat foods with a low glycemic index
When you're constantly on the run, it's easy to forget about giving your body the proper nutrition it needs. You may find yourself reaching for a bag of cookies, which most likely have a high glycemic index (GI), meaning the carbohydrates in those cookies are quickly broken down to glucose and released into the bloodstream. This quick release can then lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar, followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar leaving you with feelings of low energy. Help retain normal blood sugar levels by eating foods that have a low GI. Our Meal Replacement Shakes and Meal-in-a-Bars are a great alternative because they taste great, fill you up and give your body the sustained energy it needs.
3) Enhance your health
So, you’re at a healthy weight and your blood sugar is where you want it to be. What else? How about the health of your heart, brain, digestive system, and other body parts? Keep the healthy momentum going and remember to take your vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. Our Vitamin Packs is the perfect supplement for daily nutritional support. Its 80 bio-optimized, clinically proven nutrients that enhance immunity, protect your DNA, and help manage your stress. It contains more than 20 antioxidant compounds and essential vitamins and minerals you need for a comprehensive approach to health, wellness, and vitality.*
4) Additional botanical support
Certain minerals and botanicals have been scientifically shown to help retain normal blood sugar levels. These include banaba leaf extract, which helps stimulate glucose uptake, and chromium, a mineral essential to insulin function. Our Glucose Regulation Complex contains these plus other normal blood sugar supporting ingredients including magnesium, vanadium, zinc, taurine, and alpha lipoic acid.*
5) Stay active
Last, but not least, stay active. Try to get in 30 minutes of regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, bicycling or swimming most days of the week. If your busy schedule won't allow that, break your activity into sessions–10 minutes in the morning, 10 in the afternoon, and a short 10 minute walk in the evening. Being more active will not only make you feel good, it will enhance your body's ability to use insulin and help you maintain a healthy weight.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, November 2, 2009
As a busy mom of a toddler who drag races (I race, not my toddler – just in case you needed that clarified - LOL) along with my husband who races, having time to myself is well, almost non-existent. I don’t even get much time alone in the bathroom! You can read my humorous post on that called, Things I Miss Now That My Baby Is A Toddler.
A recent article written on solitude talks about so many Americans have so little time alone. That is probably why carpooling never really caught on in this country. So many of us relish that time we have alone. Our lives are packed with so many people demanding our attention that the drive alone is our only source of solitude.
Still, solitude is very much needed in order to collect ourselves, to de-stress and to go inward to do some deep thinking. We need this time to ourselves for deep thought in order to work out solutions to our problems, to reflect on our blessings and to straighten things out in our head sometimes. We have so much going on in our lives today that it can get all jumbled. That can make us feel like we have lost control of our lives. Going inward and thinking deeply can help us sort through the mess and allow us to prioritize our thoughts. We can throw out what is not important and decide what is. In order to do this though, we need some quiet time alone.
If you don’t think you can find time to do this, try some creative thinking. If you can’t seem to work in long periods of time alone, try short bursts. Schedule it in if you have to, but remain flexible if your schedule changes frequently. Start with your drive in the car. If you always seem to be hauling someone then try and see if you can get someone to watch the kids and go to the grocery by yourself. You have to go to the grocery anyway, but the drive alone to and from the store is what you are looking for. When driving, try driving without the radio on for a change. It’s amazing how much thinking you can do while driving if it’s quiet. Just be sure to still stay alert to traffic and no talking on the phone!
Try to steal a few minutes to yourself after dinner. Proper digestion is crucial to health and running into the next task right after dinner is not good for your digestion. If family won’t allow you to just sit and relax then think of a task you can do that no one else wants to do. One task is doing the dishes. If people are constantly coming into the kitchen to ask you questions or whatever, threaten everyone that whoever comes into the kitchen will have to do the dishes! This threat works well when you want some time alone. Folding laundry is another one. They are tasks that don’t require a lot of concentration to do therefore allowing you the opportunity to be alone to think.
Spend five minutes of your lunchtime at work sitting still with your eyes closed. Try and find a place where you’ll be alone even if it means sitting in your car! If that won’t work or you enjoy your lunch time by socializing with your coworkers, then try and get to work 10 minutes earlier and just sit and meditate about your day ahead. You’ll be amazed at how much more centered and calm you will be during the day.
Try and set your alarm for five to ten minutes earlier and find a quiet place to sit and think. If you think you just can’t get up any earlier than you already do then take those five or ten minutes in the evening to yourself. Instead of dashing around after the kids go to bed trying to straighten the house spend that time to straighten your mind. You deserve that time alone to think about your day and deflate.
After doing this for a while you will get very good and efficient with your thinking time. This will allow you more time to learn how to become quiet in your mind as well. Meditation - where you think of nothing is also something that both our minds and bodies need. You will find that you can sort things out your mind quickly allowing you time to sit and meditate which allows you to empty your mind. Emptying your mind will help solutions to problems you have to come to you more easily and is one of the best ways to beat stress. I highly recommend learning how to meditate. It takes a little practice, but when you get the hang of it, it really can change your life.
Taking time alone helps us to be better parents, better spouses, better workers and overall happier in our lives. Solitude is required for our sanity and our happiness. Insist on it, make time for it and respect others need for it as well. You’ll find it recharges you and calms you all at the same time. Now that is multitasking!