Does Black Friday fill you with giddy excitement or the feeling of dread worse than having dental work done without anesthesia?
When did we all start calling the Friday after Thanksgiving "Black Friday" anyway?
Whether you love it or hate it, tell me what you think.
Here are some questions to think about.
Are you one of the brave ones that go out on the craziest day of the year to find the best bargains? Are you a newbie at this or an old veteran? Do you go alone or do you bring reinforcements, i.e. mother, sister, friend, spouse? In other words, do you hunt alone or in packs? You don’t bring your kids with you, do you? Or do you?
Do you brave the cold temperatures and bad weather that often times accompanies this shopping frenzy day, leaving your coat behind because it will just slow you down? Do you charge ahead fearing not the lunacy of what can occur – the fender benders in parking lots, endlessly circling for a parking spot, wrestling your way through the crowds hoping there is still one left of the item you seek, waiting in long lines at the checkout and daring that bigger, stronger woman to just try and cut in line in front of you?
So tell me, does this day bring out the best in people do you think or does it just show their worst side? What side does it bring out in you? How do you prepare yourself for this day? Do you arm yourself with the latest weapons? No, I'm not talking about strapping on an actual firearm. Besides, ammo is hard to come by these days. I'm talking about arming yourself with survival gear - food, water, sales ads.
I can assure you, retail workers dread this day like no other. Yes, the stores’ CEO’s and accountants love it, but I bet they never had to work that day in one of their stores or any day for that matter.
I remember the years I worked retail. I remember spending two weeks ahead of time trying to get everything ready for the big day. I remember having to get to the store at 4:00 AM so we could open at 5:00 and seeing customers already starting to line up. I remember all us workers saying, “They must be freakin’ nuts!”
One time, when I was young, stupid and had more energy, I let my best friend drag me out on a Black Friday to go shopping. That was after I had worked 10 hours already in the store. I kept saying, “No, never, forget it!” I kept repeating those words all the way to the car as she was dragging me by the coat sleeve. With the promise of a free meal and she would do all the driving, I found myself riding along in her car, circling a Wal-Mart parking lot like the rest of the vultures slowing gliding around, waiting to swoop in on the slightest glimpse of backup lights. I have to admit we had a good time, but again we were young and stupid. The alcohol afterwards at the restaurant definitely helped I’d say.
Yes, the deals are great, but after having worked enough of the Fridays after Thanksgiving, no deal, not even free would make me ever want to go out and shop that day again. And you know how I love free and great deals. I just love my life and my sanity more! Some of those shoppers are scary. Not to mention my own bad temper.
With the economy as bad as it is, retailers are sure counting on this day to boost up lagging sales. And the bargains they are offering sound mighty tempting, but saving $10 here or $20 or even more there on the few items I need just isn’t worth it to me. I know my inner deal loving person is gasping in horror at missing these deals, but the rational side of me just can’t bring myself to go out into the feeding frenzy. I guess I would rather be dropped into the ocean with raw, bloody meat to feed the nice sharks then brave the scary women (and some men) vying for that last item on a shelf for 50% off.
So please, share with me your best or worst Black Friday stories. Let’s all laugh (or cry) together.
If you do venture out this year, stay safe and try to be courteous to one another. Remember, it’s just money. Nothing is so valuable it’s worth losing your cool over. That is except those who cut in line. I hate line jumpers! Just remember though, many states now have the concealed carry law!
Happy shopping and let the games begin!
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