No More Diapers!
This is the final installment of our Adventures in Potty Training (I hope)
To read our journey through this adventure you can start here: Adventures in Potty Training Part 1
We have decided to add to our bottom line and take away from adding to the landfill by going totally diaperless. I have three packs of unopened pull-ups to return to the store and a lot of loose ones between the cars and diaper bags that I’m not sure what other use I may find for yet.
It’s scary to let go of them for it means we are at the mercy of his bladder. So far we have had a few weeks of dry nights and naps with very few accidents. He also lets me know when he has to go when we are out and about. I haven’t put a pull up on him in weeks, so I think we are ready.
His biggest thrill is pee peeing outside. Like all boys he loves to pee on things outdoors. I don’t mind when we are in the country, but when he loudly announces it at the park and then proceeds to pull down his pants, I panic as I make the mad dash to stop him. Then, red faced I escort him to the restroom. Only the moms with little ones I think understand. The rest just look on in horror and with disgusted looks. I want to scream at them, “Hey! Have you forgotten how hard it is to train a 2 year old to use the potty?” or “Just wait till it’s your turn you prude!”
I don’t mind too much though. I am so thrilled and proud that my son has mastered this very big milestone. For two years (or longer) we teach our kids to “go” in diapers. Then all of a sudden we tell them it’s not OK and we want them to go into a big bowl. This is very confusing to kids. I really believe though, a child has to really want to learn before they do and I also believe you need to stay consistent and keep with it – don’t give up when it gets hard.
As thrilled as I am at getting past this stage, I am also a little sad. As we close this chapter I find myself looking back and missing the little baby he once was. I am enjoying seeing him grow into the little boy, but I can’t help wishing for another little one. I see now why so often children are spaced about 2 years apart. You long for the little infant……Oh my gosh! Somebody slap me!!! Stop me from wanting another as I am too old and I apparently have forgotten about how hard having another infant is! Please, somebody remind me of all the sleepless nights and oh the diapers.
Still, I can’t help but wonder……………
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