I have had houseplants since I can’t remember when. Very, very few manage to live past a year. I’m not sure why that is unless it has something to do with neglect. I never intended to be a serial houseplant murderer, I just came about it naturally.
I get houseplants usually as gifts, though I have been known to get a wild hair and buy a few healthy specimens. I think to myself while standing in line at the counter, “I’ll be good to this one and I’ll start being more conscientious about watering and feeding”. For the most part I am until life sidetracks me. Without voices screaming at me for water, I get caught up in all the busyness my life has and I just forget, plain and simple. I feel a sense of shame come over me as look around the room at the few survivors I have.
I actually do have a few long term survivors who have hung on throughout the years with me. I have two that have lasted for over 20 years! One is a ficus tree. Now ficus trees can grow to over several feet tall and I have seen a few big ones, but mine for the past 23 years is only about two feet tall. My friend calls it my bonsai ficus. It is really cool looking. It has been in the same pot. You know the kind….the plastic style from the ‘80’s. Root bound probably is an understatement. Yet it’s healthy. I believe stressing it out now and then has dwarfed it. It’s cute and is my favorite. I also have a philodendron that has been with me almost as long. It’s not overly long due to stressing, but is healthy. It also is in a retro style pot from the ‘80’s.
The plants I do have are currently healthy and may be due to my husband waters in between the times I do. They are so fortunate to have been “adopted” by him. I hope he doesn’t do too much though, because I don’t want my bonsai ficus tree to get too big.
I bought one of those water globes that have the long spike that helps keep your plants watered. I just don’t know why they make out of glass instead of plastic because when you try and push them into a pot that has a root bound plant like my huge spider plant, it breaks the tip off. They could also make them look a little less cheesy. I never could find a globe that looked as cool looking like the one on the box or on the commercials. The only ones I can find look as bad as if I made it. But they do help keep your little green friends watered.
Some people have suggested I get a cactus since I water infrequently. I tried that. It did well till I got more conscientious about taking care of my plants and ended up watering it too much. Ironic isn’t it? I need to turn over a new leaf (pun intended) and take a more organized approach to care of my other living friends. I will I promise. Though you may see a post later on about the dangers of watering your plants too much.
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