I was introduced to Shaklee about twelve years ago. I have four wonderful children and at the time they were all little and did not seem as healthy as I would have liked. I was looking for a good children’s vitamin that wasn’t full of sugar and that had some science and testing behind it. When we started our kids on Shaklee supplements we were just amazed at how our children responded and within a few months we knew that we had found the products that our family would be using for life.
I very quickly fell in love with Dr. Shaklee’s philosophies and the things that Shaklee as a company stood for. Prevention and a natural approach to health really made sense to me. Knowing that I was going to have to go back to work when my youngest went to school, I decided to look at having my own Shaklee business. What I really wanted to do was to be a full-time stay at home mom, but we needed for me to bring in some money and found that Shaklee was ideal. It allowed me to have all the time and flexibility I needed so I could put my children first, while still bringing in some income.
A few years ago my husband was laid off from his job right before Christmas. It was then that we took a closer look at our business and decided to see what we could really do with it. Within the next year we were able to double our business. We’re so very thankful that we had our Shaklee business when we needed it.
Since then we have now more than tripled our business and are expecting to promote to Senior Executive Cooridinator within the next month or so. Last year I was able to take our youngest two daughters on the Dream 2011 trip to the Bahamas, and this year we will be taking the older two kids with us on the Dream 2012 trip to the Mayan Riviera. Needless to say we are having the time of our lives! We have a beautiful 2012 Ford Escape thanks to our Shaklee car bonus and just feel so fortunate to have found this amazing company!
What is so rewarding about our Shaklee business is that we’re touching so many lives every day. We see families getting healthier because of the products we share and we see people in our organization developing strong, stable businesses that are providing for them financially -- now and for the future.
Want more information on building your own successful Shaklee business? Contact us today!
Email: youtobehealthy@yahoo.com
Check out our health & wellness blog - youtobehealthy.com
Our Shaklee Website: www.tobehealthy.myshaklee.com
Questions? Contact me and I will be happy to help! I am here to help you!
“Ignore Your Health & It Will Go Away!”
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