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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Help a Small Child Countdown to Christmas

If you have a toddler, preschooler or kindergartener then you know how hard it is for them to wait for Christmas. This tree can help little ones countdown to the big day and help them learn number recognition.
My 3 year old was always disappointed every morning he woke up and saw that Santa hadn’t been here yet. He was having a hard time understanding that he had to wait till the 25th.
To make this really simple project all you need is some green construction paper, some round white stickers and a small red stamp that has a design of a decorative ornament on it.
Cut out your tree, no need to be perfect, or if your child is old enough, have them cut it out.
Then take a sheet of circle shaped white stickers and number them from 1 to 25.
Then have your child put the stickers on himself. It’s OK if the numbers get put on upside down, it’s their project and it adds to the charm if it’s not perfect.
Then have them stamp off the numbers each day adding an ornament to the tree every time they stamp a day off. My son is quick to remind me we have to stamp off another day.
We hang ours on the refrigerator and I keep the stamp out of my son’s reach so I don’t end up with “ornament stamps” all over my house.
Try this easy project and watch your children get excited as they stamp off the days one by one.


  1. Great idea this is. So much better & healthier than those advent calendars filled with chocolate. Plus the child can make it so it's a lot more fun...thanks!

  2. Thanks Agatha. It's cheap, it's fun for the kids and it is so much more adorable than anything store bought.
    Love your blog article on Holiday 2011 Money Saving Tips, by the way. All good tips.



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