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Friday, June 17, 2011

Surgery Update #1

This week has been one big blur.
Starting on Monday, my husband had major spine surgery.
The surgery took longer than expected. It's a pretty lonely feeling when you start out in a huge waiting room full of people only to be the last one left at night.
The waiting room had a screen with your loved one's name and surgery start time. Each time they are in a different mode they flash an icon up next to the name so you know where they are at in the process. Such as a scalpel for when they start surgery, a bandaid when they are closing, a gurney when they are being transported to recovery, etc.
It was hard to see that icon of a scalpel so long next to my husband’s name. I overheard others as they were being called back to be with their loved one make comments like, “That guy is still in surgery!” Of course I worried the whole time.
I was relieved when the surgeon finally came back and told me everything went well, but when I finally was called back, it was hard to see him in such pain.
What we thought would be a slightly hard surgery and recovery turned into a majorly big surgery with a very hard recovery.
We were not prepared for what lay before us.
He’s home now and I’m grateful as it has been so hard trying to be with him and not neglect my three year old.
Having them both want me with them has torn me in two and I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in over a week.
I must go now as I’m falling asleep while I type and it’s time for another round of meds for my husband.
I ask for prayers if you have them and I hope to have a better update soon.

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